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real   life :

[    𝟶𝟶𝟻    ]❥real   life  :

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     currently, arden, kalynn, and august all stood in aisle nine of petsmart

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currently, arden, kalynn, and august all stood in aisle nine of petsmart. they all had a puzzled look on their faces as they stared at a wall of collars, all differing in sizes and colours.

"does she even need a collar? i thought that was a dog thing," arden spoke, breaking the silence between the trio.

august frowned. "actually, i don't know." they turned slightly to face both their friends (and new co-parent, kalynn). "i thought that was a pet thing in general."

kalynn thumbed at a purpled collar on the rack, distracted. "some cats have collars. mostly just to keep their information and stuff in case they get lost," now she turned to arden and the cat gingerly, grinning at her new pet. "but ms meatball doesn't need one because she's too good for one."

while august narrowed their eyes at the name, arden sighed heavily. she tugged a green collar off od the rack, prepared for the inevitable argument that was to come.

"ms meatball?" august repeated, incredulous. kalynn turned to look at them with a stubborn glint in her dark eyes. "don't you mean buckets?"

arden held back a laugh, tugging their phone out of her pocket with the hand not holding the collar. the cat (ms meatball buckets) sat in kalynn's hold, oblivious to her parents conversation.

"buckets is a stupid name for a cat." kalynn argued, hand carding through the thin fur of ms meatball buckets.

"and ms meatball isn't?" puzzled, august shot back, crossing their arms like a disappointed dad.

"oh shut up-"

"buckets is a much better name-"

"well ms meatball doesn't like it-"

"no, buckets likes the name very much, don't you buckets-"

"no no no- ms meatball~ ms meatball do you like your name-"

𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐁𝐘𝐄 𝐌𝐑.𝐀. kalynn kouryWhere stories live. Discover now