The Meeting of New Friends

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The next few days, Elizabeth had sent a letter to her family about Alex receiving the admittance letter and got an exciting response back from most of them.

The Whittles were a large family filled with Muggle-borns. Winifred O'Hare met a squib named Killian Whittle and they got married. Their kids were all born in Ireland and had moved to the small town in England known as Cokeworth in the 70s. Elizabeth had five siblings and each of them attended Hogwarts.

The streets of Diagon Alley were always busy, especially around summer for the kids buying their supplies for Hogwarts with help from their family.

Alexia looked around at the crowd of people at different shops and walked about the area. She looked up at Elizabeth as they walked out of Gringotts Wizarding Bank. "Where are we going now?"

Elizabeth read through the list and her blue eyes landed on the uniforms section. "I gave you the books, some Galleons, you got a telescope," she stated and smiled. "So, you're gonna get your robes."

"So a fitting?" She asked and looked around. "Where do we go?" Her eyes stopped on Quality Quidditch Supplies and completely halted in her tracks. She gazed at the building where kids were hovering around one of the windows and stared at the broom displayed, The Nimbus 2000.

"Wow, look at it!" A boy gasped. "It's the new Nimbus 2000. It's the fastest model yet!"

Lizzie took a few more steps before noticing Alex wasn't following and turned towards her. She followed her gaze and snickered. "Not yet, love," she stated and walked back to her. "Our next stop is Madam Malkin's Robes."

Alex faced her and back at the broom. She exhaled lightly and followed Elizabeth to their first stop, giving the Quidditch store one last look.

They headed for their destination and Elizabeth spotted a familiar figure among the crowd. She gasped happily and waved. "Hagrid!"

He looked up from talking to Harry and saw Lizzie. "Elizabeth," he greeted as they headed for the duo and smiled warmly. He noticed the gaping Alexia. "This must be your little one."

"She sure is," Lizzie answered and nodded as she folded her arms. "She's excited about being admitted and I see you're taking Harry to get his supplies."

"Yeah, I sure am," He replied and shook his head. "The Dursleys didn't make it easy for him to get his letters, Dumbledore sent me to give it to him."

She rolled her eyes and nodded. "Good," she replied and smiled warmly. "That's very good, Hagrid, he's in safe hands when he's with you."

"You're too kind, Liz," he said and leaned forward. "By the way, is Alexia the one..." he trailed off quietly and winked slyly. "You know..."

Elizabeth smirked a bit and nodded in response. "Yeah," she whispered and glanced down at Alexia talking to Harry. "She doesn't know yet."

Harry smiled at Alex and waved kindly. "Hi," he greeted. "Lexie, right?"

She nodded at him and smiled. "Yeah, my name's Alexia," she told him and rubbed her arm. "Sorry for not introducing myself last time."

"That's okay," he said and nodded before he eyed her cart filled with supplies they bought. "You did most of your shopping already?"

"I haven't gotten my uniform yet," Alex told him with a shrug and pointed to a shop. "I believe that's where we're going."

"I need to get mine too," he replied and faced the shop. "Do you want to get it together?"

Alexia smiled at the idea and faced Elizabeth. "Hey, mum?"

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