Secrets ~ Ch19

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

"Do I have to go back?" I whined to noirette next to me, kicking my feet with a pout as we neared the apartment complex. I couldn't lie, I had been dreading to go back the moment I left. Not because I was still upset with Hyungwon or anything but because that now I had come to terms with myself that I was going tell him the truth and that I was so scared to do it.

"Yes." I.M said simply, walking beside me with a neutral look on his face. He had loosened up quite a bit since our talk at the restaurant, now replying to my every question with at least a word instead of his usual simple nod. Though I wasn't sure how long that would last.
"But do I though?" I asked again with a whine, looking up at him with a pleading face. I hoped that he would give me something- anything to do just so that we could delay our return.

"Yes." I.M replied. A look of amusement was layered over his face. He wasn't smirking or laughing or anything but he just simply looked amused. I don't know how to explain it but it's like I've grown accustomed to I.M's almost expressionless expressions. And needless to say that I was quite proud of that. Don't get me wrong, he's no open book. But we're getting there, page by page.

A string of complaints left my lips the moment I could see the certain building in the distance, knowing that an emotional conversation that I wasn't ready for was nearing. I sighed at the thought, throwing my head back also.
"I just wanna skip to tomorrow. When everything is fine and the hard part has been dealt with." I admitted with another sigh, glaring at the building as we approached it.

"But then again, tomorrow I'm going to be studying at home all day so it'll probably be just as crappy." I mumbled, kicking a stone that was near me. I'm sure I.M had caught on to the fact that I kick things when I'm stressed. I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes for a second as I tried to shake off my nerves before realising that I needed a distraction.

"What're you doing tomorrow, I.M?" I asked him softly, giving him my full attention more for my sake rather than his. Even though I asked him this for the sake of being my distraction, I couldn't help but truly wonder what the boy does in his free time. I wondered if he was the party type or the reading type. But both of those options made me want to laugh.

I noticed I.M lack of response only after the first thirty seconds. But it wasn't the lack of response that suprised me, it was the look of hesitance on his face as he searched for an answer for me.
"I'm...meeting up with someone." He finally told me vaguely. A voice at the back of my head wondered if this person was a girl but then I remembered that this was I.M that I was talking about here.

"Sounds like fun." I hummed out, watching as he sighed and shook his head. He clearly wanted to say more on the matter but once again was held back, forcing him to not go into detail.
"Not really." The boy commented, his mood seeming to drop at the mere mention of what he was doing tomorrow.

"You don't like them?" I asked him curious, watching his face carefully as he opened the gate to the apartment complex. His gaze was stone cold and the boy now didn't hesitate to answer.
"No." He said simply, his eyes dark as he pushed open the gate and motioned for me to go through first as he held it open for me.

"Then why're you meeting up with them?" I asked him, my curiousity getting the best of me as the question just seemed to slip out. I knew he wouldn't reply to this one and was only even more certain the moment he opened the door to the building in silence. I couldn't help but chuckle at how right I was.

"Secrets, secrets, secrets..." I mused, teasing him with a playful grin as I made my way over to the lift with him hot on my tail. I brought the mood back up abit with my playfullness, silently wanting him to know that I wasn't mad about these secrets that everyone was keeping from me. Though that didn't mean I wasn't curious or eventually planning to find out what they were.

¤ Ethereal ¤ Im Changkyun X Reader ON HIATUS (Soulmate Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now