Oath ~ Ch39

759 57 18

Happy New Year 💙

Warnings : Blood, Graphic gore descriptions

¤ 3rd Point Of View ¤

I.M had never felt so horrified in his life before today. Even his terrible childhood could not come close to resembling the fear he felt today- that overwhelming feeling that controlled him as he ran through the busy streets of Busan, (Y/n) laying limp in his arms. The noirette had draped his jacket over her stomach as he carried the girl, sheilding the sight of blood and gore to the ignorant people of Busan.

He ran as fast as he could to the hotel, trying to balance (Y/n) in a way that wouldn't cause her any unnecessary pain as he ran. Luckily, he didn't have to worry about bumping into his friends as their plan was to go out drinking once the exchange had ended. Right now, the hotel should be free from any of those boys and he should be able to sneak (Y/n) into his room unnoticed. I.M planned to patch her up himself, using the med-kit that he had brought with him.

The boy has patched himself up on many occasions, the work being very unprofessional and messy but nevertheless it worked. But he had never patched up anyone other than himself, causing him to feel petrified at the thought of messing up. But as he ran, there were also over thoughts floating through his mind. Thoughts that wondered if (Y/n) would even make it back to him room.

As far as he could tell, she was still breathing. But the girl was as pale as ghost, losing more and more blood by the second. He had never seen her look like this before and he was sure that whether she lived or died that it would haunt him forever. I.M thought of himself as a fool, blaming himself for not looking hard enough when he first had a feeling that (Y/n) would follow them. If only he had found her at the start, she wouldn't be dying right now.

I.M managed to get (Y/n) back to the hotel within minutes, having broken more than just a sweat by the time he arrived. The noirette had received more than his fair share of looks as he walked through the lobby, an unconscious girl in his arms seeming to look quite suspicious from their point of views- he was sure. But he didn't care. It was (Y/n)'s life on the line right now and he did not have time to make excuses.

After an antagonising wait inside the lift, him and (Y/n) had finally made it to the 6th floor where I.M's room was located. The boy practically flew through the corridoors and hallways, making it to his room in a panicked rush that he had never felt before. He managed to balance (Y/n) against him using one hand while using the other to grab his keycard from his back pcoket and open the door. Once it was open, he threw the keycard across the marble floors and slammed the door shut with his foot.

I.M rushed (Y/n) to his bed, laying her limp body over his comfortable rich silk sheets. He barely noticed the fact that her blood had began seeping onto his sheets the moment he put her down, he was too occupied loosing his mind. The tears that once streamed down his face were gone, having dried the moment he started running to the hotel. But he was still left with puffy red eyes which glossed over every time he took a glance at (Y/n).

I.M ripped open his duffel bag impatiently, dropping to his knees beside it as he pulled out every item he owned in order to find the medical kit that he brought with him. It wasn't long before he found it, with wide eyes as shaking hands as he stood baack up with it in his grasp. He fumbled with the zip hastily, violently ripping it open and emptying the contents besise (Y/n) who's chest barely rose anymore.

The boy then set his eyes towards (Y/n) eyeing her baby blue dress which would have to come off. He didn't have time or the capability to take it off of her without causing her more pain- so he would have to rip it off of her. 'She'll forgive me', he prayed as he tore open the now crimson dyed dress. This left the girl in her white sports bra and her thin short black shorts, the same ones she wore yesterday as she swam. He left those two pieces of clothing on, not needing to take them off as he now had full access to her wound.

The boy grimaced as he looked the wound straight in the eye, it gushing alot of blood. The skin around it was bruised and had major blast injury, a little crater where the bullet had gone through and jagged blue skin around it from the aftershock of the puncture. From what he could tell, the wound was deep but from where it hit it seemed as if it had only hit large mass of tissue and muscle rather than a vital organ.

The boy sighed in relief after the quick inspection before grabbing the rubbing alcohol and pouring it over (Y/n)'s wound. He winced at just the sight, knowing how painful that should be with an open would like this. But (Y/n) was out cold, she didn't react at all to the pain and that really worried him. If he didn't get the bullet out know, she would bleed to death- or bleed enough to need a blood transfusion.

After practically soaking (Y/n)'s wound in rubbing alcohol, I.M used the metal tweezers to dig through her open wound to find the bullet. He had to use one arm to hold (Y/n) down because the moment the tool cane in contact with the puncture, she began squirming around in pain. She was still unconcious, only now crying out in pain and breaking I.M's heart with every cry.

He didn't know how to do this easier- how to make it better. The boy needed to take out the bullet but it was causing her so much pain. I.M held her down with a bit lip, sparing her glances every now and then as he dug around for the piece of metal inside her. She was sweating, her face scrunched in pain as she whimpered out in excruciating pain.
"I know... I'm sorry." I.M whispered to her, having never felt so gulity before.

After another minutes, I.M finally caught the bullet with the tweezers. He pulled it out slowly, wincing at the sight of (Y/n) who had unconciously grabbed and squeezed onto his arm in pain. Once he had taken the bullet out of (Y/n), he couldn't help but give the silver piece of metal a short glare- thinking about how much he wanted to kill Suho for this. With a flick of his wrist, I.M flug the tweezers and the bullet across the room.

Now all I.M had to do was to treat the would and patch the girl up. With that in mind, he grabbed the only ointment he had- the anti-inflamitory cream. The boy practically smothered the whole of the cream over the wound, hoping that this would stop any infection that may try to take place. After that, he placed a large gauze on her wound and wrapped it up quickly. I.M wished he could stitch the wound as that would prevent it from bleeding so much, but the wound was far too messy for any stitches.

Once he was done, I.M shaking body practically collapsed onto the floor. He backed up untill his back was against the wall, sitting with his knees up while faces the bed infront of him. The noirette held his head with his bloody hands, not thinking about the blood that had definitely gotten onto his face. I.M could only stare at (Y/n)'s limp body with soft eyes, wanting her to wake up more than anything. Even after patching her up, there was still a chance she could die from the blood she lost and that fact scared him more than anything.

As he stared over at (Y/n), clutching his head in his hands, he wondered what she thought of him now. She had now found out about the fact that he and the rest of the boys dealt drugs- sure she didn't know the whole story, but she knew just enough to be able to feel disgusted by them- to fear and hate them....to fear and hate him.

I.M felt guilty. She got shot because of the fact that they were leading this type of life- he got shot because of him. This was why everybody agreed that (Y/n) shouldn't be involved with this part of their lives. But then I.M got stabbed and was unable to administer his own first-aid, forcing (Y/n) to take a step through the doorway to this life of his. It was his fault and he would always remember that. He should have stayed away from her from the start.

Almost everyone has lost someone to this life and nobody wanted (Y/n) to be one of thos people. But she was a curious thing and he should have expected her to become involved one way or another. She was now part of this whether he liked it or not. And now his only option was to protect her with his life- to not let what happened today repeat itself.

This was silent promise that I.M made to himself, to keep (Y/n) safe no matter what. And he swore that if she could just fight this battle with death this time, that he would fight every battle she may face after that. That was his oath.

(A.N ~ Comment & Vote! ILY!)

¤ Ethereal ¤ Im Changkyun X Reader ON HIATUS (Soulmate Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now