Rendevous ~ Ch35

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

After a long and lovely evening at the beach, we decided to pack up and head back to the hotel. We walked back in pure awe, everything from the sky to the street lights just felt so surreal. And in that moment, I had never been more happy to have Hyungwon for a brother who could take me on trips like these with him. I not only got to spend time with my brother but also his friends who had become my friends. It was a great experience and it was only just the first day.

"Hey-uh, (Y/n)?" Hyungwon called out from behind me, leaving his group with Wonho to catch up to me who was just walking quietly with I.M afew steps ahead. I turned my head to him in interest, wondering why he seemed so nervous to ask me a question.
" you have anything you can do?" Hyungwon asked me, making me furrow my brows in confusion.

"What do you mean? Where are you guys going?" I asked him, baffled.
"Well-uh. Me and the boys...we're- uhh..." Hyungwon seemed to trail of into nothing, trying to think of something to say yet still coming up with nothing.
"We're gonna hit up the ladies in the clubs!" Jooheon said suddendly, coming from behind us and wrapping an arm around Hyungwon's shoulder.

This save from Jooheon seemed to make Hyungwon relax, letting the man sigh before shamelessly nodding along.
"Yeah, Busan women are one of a kind!" My brother grinned, throwing me a sudden cheeky grin that I did not believe. Two of the guys have soulmates and they expect me to believe that they're going clubbing to meet women?

I gave them a skeptical look before turning my head overer to I.M, knowing that he was the only one that couldn't lie to me- for whatever reason. Once I looked over, the noirette avoided my gaze. He looked down at his feet as he walked, his throat moving as he gulped nervously. I.M looked ashamed. And that was enough for me to know that their plans for tomorrow were infact another lie.

"Yeah...alright then." I replied slowly, very unconvinced by their meaningless words. I then looked down at my feet for a moment, thinking of something that I could do alone which would satisfy them- they needed to hear that it was something that would keep me away from them for I'm assuming the whole day of tomorrow.

"Well, Seulgi came to Busan aswell yesterday to visit her family. She did say I should come over." I told him, speaking nothing but the truth as Seulgi had in fact left last night with her mother to visit her auntie and cousins here in Busan. Hyungwon's face lit up at my words, nodding instantly.
"Yeah! Perfect- do that. She can show you around Busan and everything." Hyungwon said enthusiastically. He seemed a little too relieved.

With that, Hyungwon gave me a pat on my shoulder before going back to his previous conversation with Wonho- falling back into quiet chatter. With a sigh, I looked back over at I.M who seemed determined not to say a word.
"You guys aren't really going clubbing, are you?" I asked the boy quietly but bluntly. The only response he gave me was a few moments of eye-contact before looking away. That was an answer in itself.

Once again, I sighed. I stopped trying to ask anymore questions because I knew that there was nothing I.M was going to let himself give me. I already knew what I needed to know and damn was I tired of all these weird secrets. I continued walking with all the boys as if nothing was bothering me, though I'm pretty sure I.M saw right through that act. And in no time at all, we made to back to our hotel.

This time, we opted on using the lift- learning from our previous mistake of following Hyungwon up the stairs. Once the lift made it to our floor, everyone piled put into the corridoor and began giving eachother weird looks that I couldn't decipher. Before I could ask why we were just standing around, they all suddenly began bidding me farewell. Though the strange part was despite saying goodnight, none of them moved from their positions.

"You can go on inside. I just need to talk to them quickly." Hyungwon assured me with a small smile, motioning with his hand for me to go on ahead to our room. With furrowed brows, I nodded and left their group behind. I turned to corner, where our room was located and waited behind the wall which was out of their sights. However a few seconds had passed and still none of them had spoken a word. I soon realised that they were waiting for the sound of the hotel door to open.

So I gave them what they wanted, opening the door loudly and keeping it open so that I could slip in at any time. After that small action, they finally began talking in hushed voices- all of them thinking that I had entered hotel room when in reality I was hiding behind the wall right around the corner.

"What time's the rendevous?" Wonho asked quietly, his voice suddenly seeming so serious. My brows furrowed as I continued to listen in. Rendevous? With who?
"6pm. At 5.30pm we'll meet out front and walk to the meet-up point together. Don't forget to bring your gear." Shownu ordered in a hushed yet stern tone, his voice sounding the most serious yet- almost as if he were in a buisness meeting.

A range of differently spoken 'okay's and 'alright's left everyone's mouth, one I even recognised as I.M's voice. Despite how confused I was, it was clear that Shownu was the leader of these plans of theirs.
"Fine, but why does it have to be tomorrow? We legit just got here, man." Jooheon complained loudly, earning quiet scoldings from the rest of his friends.

"Unless you'd rather feel uneasy for another week? Plus, this is (Y/n)'s first time here. I don't want to constantly feel on edge and give her half my attention all the time." Hyungwon reasoned calmly. I would feel touched at his comment if I understood what the hell they were talking about. All I could infer was that this meet-up was scheduled every year and that they had a meet up place that they had to go to.

"Yeah, it's better to get this over and done with so we can spend some time actually having fun this year." Kihyun chipped in, the other boys making noises of agreement at his statement.
"Alright, well I'll see you all tomorrow." Shownu said, clapping his hands which signalled the end of their talk.

With that everyone began their walk to their own rooms, this was the point in time I slipped into my shared hotel room. I managed to get in quickly, close the door silently behind me before catapulting onto my bed and pulling out my phone. That was when Hyungwon walked into the room, unaware of the fact that I just entered also. He sighed, talking off his shoes as well as his jacket.

"I'm gonna have a shower." He announced, grabbing his clothes and robe from his suitcase.
"Okay." I replied casually, pretending to be too interested with my phone's blank screen. With that, Hyungwon went into the bathroom and lovked the door behind me. I finally let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding. I wasn't caught- that was a good start.

After a while of thinking, I pulled out my messages and decided to message Seulgi about tomorrow.

Teddy bear 🧸

Hey, do you wanna do something tomorrow? My brother's got errands to run in Busan

Yes! I can pick you up from your hotel?

That would be great! Ty x

I'll pick you up at 11? And we can spend the day exploring!

Yeah, sounds good! But I have to be back before 5.30pm though

Np! See you tomorrow ♡

See you tomorrow xx

End chat

Now it was decided, tomorrow I would follow them.

(A.N ~ and now we shall bring on the angst!)

¤ Ethereal ¤ Im Changkyun X Reader ON HIATUS (Soulmate Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now