Starship Boy ~ Ch50

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

Me and I.M spent around 10 uninterrupted minutes at the bar together, sitting side by side as I downed a few shots of tequila. I could tell that I.M wanted to say something about my ability to drink alcohol, but yet the boy didn't speak up about it. He just continued to talk to me without bringing it up- and honestly, I was thankful for that.

It wasn't until the fifth shot that the boy had intervened, taking the shot glass out of my hand and pushing it down the table out of my reach.
"You shouldn't drink much more. You're already more than tipsy." I.M defended, trying to become effected by the growing pout on my face. But despite my disappointment, I knew he was right. I was a bit of a giggly mess right now but not enough to be cosidered drunk.

I.M on the other hand had not touched a drop of alchohol, somehow enjoying his time with me without the help. I guess Seulgi was right about I.M not drinking alcohol because of his step-dad. I understood why he done it, he didn't want to follow in his footsteps- the footsteps of a drunk. This was one of the reasons I complied with I.M's request to stop drinking for tonight, not wanting to upset him with memories that reminded him of his past.

"Yes, Sir!" I giggled, saluting to him with a cheesy grin which made him chuckle softly to himself.
"You're a cute drunk." I.M told me with a small smile, one in which cause butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I flashed him another grin and before I could reply with a teasing comment, a drink was slid infront of me and had easily interupted my train of thought.

"A martini for (Y/n)." A voice said from infront of me, making me look up at the bartender in confusion. How did this man know my name? I looked down at the drink for a brief moment before looking back up at this man, also realising that I hadn't ordered another drink and especially not one as expensive as a martini.

"How do you know my name?" I asked him with my voice laced in suspicion, my brows furrowed as I tried to go over his feautures to see if I knew the man only to realise that I didn't. Even I.M had perked up, no longer looking relaxed but rather on guard. He glared at the bartender with furrowed brows, placing a hand on my thigh reassuringly under the bar table.

"I don't. He did." The bartender replied casually, shrugging as he pointed to a man with red hair who sat idly at the end of the bar. The man had a slit through his brow as well and blue contacts that contrasted against his hair. Not only that but the thing that stood out the most was the 'NCT' tattoo in bold on his collarbone. It was hard to miss. I.M's breath hitched, his grip tightening on my thigh as the mysterious red head waved at me before sliding out of his seat and casually sauntering over to us.

This was when the bartender excused himself, figuring out that he no longer needed to be the messenger anymore.
"Do you know him?" I.M asked lowly, keeping his voice quiet as the mystery man had almost arrived to our seats. I let my eyes travel upon every detail of his face before easily coming to the conclusion that I had never seen this man before in my life.

So I shook my head in response to I.M, not noticing how the boy was stiff in his seat as the stranger sat beside me.
"You're (Y/n), right? I'm Taeyong." The man introduced with a smile, offering out his hand which I hesitantly shook. Taeyong was not fazed by I.M glares from beside me- in fact, I don't think he noticed that he was there at all.

"Have we met before?" I asked him in confusion, still baffled as to how he knew me. But then again, if he knew me then he wouldn't have introduced himself. I was too tipsy to try and figure this out, I just wanted answers. But instead, Taeyong just chuckled before taking a loud gulp of cup the beer he brought with him.

"No but my man Jaehyun talks about you all the time- hell, you're still his lockscreen. Man, that guy's a simp." Taeyong explained with a chuckle, not noticing the way I froze after hearing Jaehyun's name. This man was a friend of Jaehyuns? Did that mean that Jaehyun was here? Even I.M froze at the mention of my ex boyfriend, neither of us liking the way this night we heading.

"You...know Jaehyun?" I asked him hesitantly, hoping that the answer he would give me wasn't the answer that I already knew he would tell me.
"Mhm. He's my best friend. Damn, it's a shame he's not here." Taeyong sighed, throwing his head back in frustration as he brushed his fingers though his hair. My heartbeat calmed down slightly after hearing that Jaehyun wasn't here, knowing that I couldn't face him if I tried.

"If he's your bestfriend then you know what he did to me." I said bitterly, finally gaining enough courage to tell this man how I really felt about his sopposed best friend. His best friend that left the girl he 'loved' in the dust after meeting his soulmate- Without a call or a text or a goodbye. I didn't need much yet he gave me nothing.

"Yeah...what he did wasn't cool, I get that. But he did try to make it up to you!" Taeyong defended, making me scoff un pire badflement at his ludicrousy.
"What? No, he didn't." I told him, my eyes squinted as I watched Taeyong scatch his head sheepishly.

"I did say 'try'. When his soulmate proved to be a fake, he went back to London to see you. That's when he found out you left- my condolences, by the way." Taeyong said, bowing respectfully which made me scoff. Was he being serious? Jaehyun's soulmate turned out not to be his soulmate and that's when he tried to make it up to me. Did he really think that would make me feel better?

"Yo! Could you give me your number? Jaehyun will owe me big time if I give him your number!" Taeyong said suddenly, pulling out his phone in anticipation. I looked at him as if he was crazy- maybe he was, who knew?
"No. I don't ever want to hear from Jaehyun again. I'm with someone now." I replied with a glare as I reached over and pulled back the shot of tequila that I.M had taken away from me earlier before downing it whole.

After I had said this, it seemed as if Taeyong had finally noticed I.M's presence- unwavered by his glares. Taeyong looked I.M up and down, a raised brow showing what he thought.
"Starship boy? He your soulmate?" Taeyong asked me, only making me glare harder despite not really understanding what he meant by 'starship boy'.

"None of your buisness." I mumbled as I stood up from my stool, I.M standing up as well beside me. He placed a hand on my waist protectively as we stood.
"We should go." I.M whispered into my ear, making me nod in agreement.
"Thanks for the drink, I guess." I mumbled to Taeyong as I turned on my heel.

"It's a shame. Jaehyun could give you so much more. If you ever change your mind, starship boy knows where to find me." Taeyong told me with a knowing grin as we began walking off. Once we were at a safe distance away from the bar, I turned to I.M with a glare while saying,

"You have alot of explaining to do, Starship Boy."

(A.N ~ Hope you liked it!)

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