ᴀᴄᴛ ᴏɴᴇ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ

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ᴀᴄᴛ ᴏɴᴇ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ

"NEXT." Mr Mazzara shouted as the couple in front of us walked into the hall. Ashlyn continued to talk away to me and Carlos as we stepped up to the table. "Name?" Sir asked, far too tired for the job already, and it was five minutes into being open.

"Casey Salazar-Roberts." I murmured to the teacher. Had I had an argument with the two over the phone about who was paying for our tickets? Of course. But I'd won, which I still could not understand. Sir looked down the list in front of him, going over a page and finally finding the three.

The teacher gave us three an annoyed look as he did glance up at us. "You're on table ten, with other theatre kids." He told us all, holding out the tickets which Ashlyn gladly took. As we began to walk away from the tired teacher, he shouted to us about taking photos as we walked in. "NEXT."

We stepped into the hall, going through a tented tunnel before Ashlyn practically pulled us over to where the photos were being taken. "You're worse than my mom." Carlos muttered in between photos.

"Oh boy..." I murmured, getting a glance over at who else was already sat our table. I guess it was better Nini wasn't here, after all.

"One more-" Ashlyn insisted, arms around both me and Carlos' shoulders as we smiled to the camera. Ricky and Big Red sat at the table, talking to each other while scrolling through both their phones. Even though Nini and Kourtney were not here for Homecoming, I knew that tonight wasn't going to end well.


Ashlyn pulled me into a selfie with Carlos for the fifth time that night, making me hold back myself from rolling my eyes. "You'll tag me in that one, right?" Carlos asked her. I looked around the room, trying to look anywhere but Ricky and Big Red who were practically next to me.

"I don't believe this!" I hear Ricky begin, complaining about some Instagram post. I let out a sigh, taking out my own phone from my pocket and seeing all the notifications from Ash, sending the photos so far from tonight. A sudden notification came up on my phone from Instagram, from an account I kinda wish I'd unfollowed.

EJ was on Instagram, posting a picture of him and.... Gina. He was here, at Homecoming, with Gina.

Did anyone get that on this semester's nightmare bingo? No? Just me who has to really suffer this? Great...

I go and turn to Ashlyn and Carlos, ready to rant and complain my heart out about my sister's love life issues and EJ Caswell when two people walked up to our table.

"Excuse us." I looked up and saw the two of them stood there. Her arms around EJ's made me nearly cringe. Gina looked over at the five of us as we all stood there, staring. "Are these seats taken?"



Is now a good time to tell you bad news?

go on...

So, Ashlyn was getting me to take a bunch of selfies and then I go Instagram
And guess who's sat at my table- as a couple


Gina and EJ...

Oh for gods sake

mind the fucking language, would you?

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