ᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴛᴡᴇʟᴇᴠᴇ

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ᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴛᴡᴇʟᴇᴠᴇ

"You alright?" I asked Gina, of who seemed to be acting it. But, after what she'd said around me and Kourtney, I wasn't so sure. I needed to be sure.

"Yeah, why?" As the two of us leaned on the haystacks watching things get set up, music played in the background.

"Just checking. After what you said earlier..." I murmured so no one else really heard around us as I spoke to Gina.

"It's nothing, Casey, really-" I raised an eyebrow at her words, and she knew I was calling bullshit. "I may have told a certain boy about something... something important." I nodded as she said so. "And he just... didn't do anything?"

"Well, I'm not the best at giving boy advice for obvious reasons... but if I could tell you one thing you should try and do- try to forget him, G." I told her, nudging her slightly. "I mean, he was obviously an A-Class idiot for not really trying to help- or at least saying something. Anyone should be lucky to have you in their life, G, and you're much better than him, anyways."

When looking back over at her, she seemed rather touched by my words. "Why do you always know what to say?" Truth was, I had no clue. Maybe it was the fact my English teacher was awful, so I looked to Taylor Swift for help instead. Works all the time.

"I dunno." I shrugged. "Maybe I just listen to too many podcasts..." I murmured, making her laugh. "So, now that we've discovered most boys are terrible," I began. "what's your favourite dance?" I made sure the question was about something she loved, even if I knew nothing about it.

"Seriously? The name will do no justice with you." She teased me, and I shook my head as I glanced around.

"Oh please, I know what a Cancan is." I pointed out, then stepping out in front of her. No one was looking, might as well make Gina happy while I could. "Come on." I held my hand out for her. "Show me if the name's not gonna do it justice."

"Seriously?" She glanced around and I just tilted my head a little.

"I mean, I have got two left feet, but- well, what's the worst that could happen?" I asked her as she took my hand in hers. "I mean, other than that I fall over...."

"I'll catch you." I glanced up at her for a moment before she began to try and teach me, and I was surprised by how quick I got it. Sure, I was a quick learner usually, but I just... got it.

As the girl in front of me laughed at the two of us dancing along to the music, I felt myself smile in relief that she seemed to be happy.

"Hey, Gina. You got a second?" As she twirled around, Ricky Bowen's voice caused me to immediately glance away and behind the girl, where the boy stood.

She gave me a sincere smile to leave her to it, and that she'd come back to me and my incredible dancing after her and Ricky's conversation, turning towards the boy afterwards. "Sure, what's up?"

Walking away and stealing a glance every once and a while at the back of Gina, I felt myself staring slightly as Ashlyn appeared out of nowhere.

"I totally ship it." She said, her voice making me jump. As I looked over at her she giggled a little. "You and Gina? Adorable. My OTP with Seb and Carlos."

"That's one way to say you're an ally..." I murmured, taking a sip from my drink. As the girl rambled on about me and Gina, I glanced back over at G, noticing she wasn't doing too great with her conversation with Ricky. Not great at all, even.

The girl suddenly walked away, and I saw a glimmer in her eyes as she walked towards us. "Hey, you alright?" Ashlyn asked the girl, while I just furrowed my eyebrows at her.

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