ᴀᴄᴛ ᴏɴᴇ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴛᴡᴇʟᴇᴠᴇ

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ᴀᴄᴛ ᴏɴᴇ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴛᴡᴇʟᴇᴠᴇ

"Okay, I'm getting far too much nostalgia for it to be okay." I tell Nini as we walked onto the stage. I wasn't lying, either. The clothes the costume crew had given her, along with the wig, were extremely on point- to the smallest of details. Kourt let out a squeal as she saw Nini's outfit.

"OH MY GOSH, YOU LOOK PERFECT!" Kourtney told my sister as she did a little twirl for her. "Yes!"

"OKAY PEOPLE!" I turn around at Ricky's voice, along with hand claps. "LET'S DO THIS!" I quickly turned back to Nini, holding in my laughter from the wig.

"Oh my god, Ricky!" Nini said between laughs. Kourtney, and I, meanwhile were nearly on the floor, dying of laughter.


"I can't-" She began.

"There's a lot to talk about." I said to him, laughing my head off as I turned to take another look.

The boy turned to look at Carlos, of who was trying to hold in his own laugh. "What-" He flicked his wig's hair a little. "What's so funny?"


"Let's get some air, wildcats!" I heard Gina say, making my head snap up from my phone. She was laughing, talking away to Ricky about his new hairdo.

That's good, right? After last night, they're talking again. AND being friendly. So, why does it seem a little... weird to me? Hell, it's no big deal. The fact they're both talking again is what is important.

The six of them began to stand in a line in front of the HSM logo that had been put up. "Okay, guys, we're gonna get one in for practice, okay?" As they got ready, Big Red continued. "we're all going to jump on the count of three, ready?" There were a few nods from the few of them as Red got ready himself. "One, two, three-" As the camera clicked, I saw Kourtney run through where they were taking the photo, apologising many times as she did so. "One, two, three." They all jumped again, this time the L on Musical came down. "Wait, what happened?"

"Well..." I murmured.

"Where to begin?" Ricky asked.

"I think you went early." Seb told the boy.

"Are we jumping on three, or after three?" Gina asked our professional photographer.

"Yeah, the count of three, ready?" Big Red said, like it was so obvious.

"Nah, man, you need some new words." Ricky told his friend, pointing at him.

"I think I broke a heal." Seb told us.

Carlos let out a sigh. "You guys, this isn't that hard." He told the six of them. "You smile, you leave the Earth, you land."

"It's a little hard to smile, when we don't even know the plan." Ricky tells the boy.

"I can't look at Ricky, is that a problem?" Nini suddenly asks, making me smile as the others laughed.

"Okay, let's take a five." Carlos decided.

"On five, or after five?" Ricky asked Carlos, already walking away, making all of us let out a short laugh.

"I think he's mad at us..." Seb murmured to all of us. Yeah, me too, Seb.


"You, with me, now." Carlos told me, dragging me to my feet, his phone in hand. With a flustered, confused and overwhelmed feeling inside me, I followed as Carlos practically dragged me through the corridors as he spoke to Miss Jenn on the phone. Why I was always being dragged into these messes, I have no idea. "Miss Jenn, I don't think I can stall much longer." The boy next to me said nervously. "Are you coming?" He listened. "Is everything okay?" More listening. "Miss Jenn, I can't see your face, so I don't know if you're kidding-"

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