ᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴛᴡᴏ

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ᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴛᴡᴏ

"THE PARTY MAY BEGIN." I heard Carlos's shout from the door as it opened. Thank god they were now here. I'd been sat on the couch trying to keep myself entertained from Gina for the last hour, and, although she was upstairs, it didn't change the fact she was on my mind.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Ashlyn shouted from the top of the stairs. Smiling, I dropped my phone into my pocket and ran around to hug the couple. Matching jumpers and everything, I'm fucking jealous. "MY COUPLE GOALS." Ashlyn exclaimed, running over and hugging after me.

"Your couple goals, who are in basically clouds as clothes." I commented after feeling the jumpers.

"They were a gift from Carlos." Seb told the two of us and I gave a knowing look.

"I was thinking- what's the opposite of an ugly sweater party? and then I conjured these!" The boy told the two of us and they both giggled.

"So, how are things with the new roomie?" Seb asked and I felt myself zone out at the mention of Gina. Out of sight out of mind, close enough, really.

"Literally the best, it's like six months ago, I thought maybe Gina was borderline the bad seed. And now, she's borderline my number one confidant." I took a sip of the drink in my hand. "Wait until you see her outfit tonight... ooohhh." I nearly choke on the drink at Ash's words.

"Uh, can we talk about the fact that you are literally a vision in Uggs." Carlos brings up and I smiled looking over at Ashlyn. "Ugh, I wish I was brave enough to dress comfortably for a party." I furrowed my eyebrows at him. Sure, I hadn't followed the theme, but the others upstairs certainly were.

"Uh... Kourtney came over and did me and Gina up in a 2007 theme." Ashlyn told the boy. He gave me a glare, only momentarily when I shrugged, showing I didn't tell.

"Ooh...." Seb gave Carlos a teasing look.

"Say nothing." Carlos tells the boy with a smile before turning to Ashlyn and I like he hadn't just said that so loud. "2007 is a very ironic and on point theme," I caught Gina watching down at our conversation from the top of the staircase and stared back up at her, taking in all the details of her outfit. Wow. "for reasons that I am not at liberty to disclose until midnight."

"It's because we're doing High School Musical Two, right?" Gina asks, half-way down the stairs.

"GINA!" Seb suddenly shouted, taking in her outfit. Oh, fuck I am gay.

"Wait..." Carlos was more interested in what she'd said. I saw Kourtney came down after her and I gave her an excited smile in return. "Whatttt? How did you guys know?" He asked as Kourt hugged me. "Did Miss Jenn tell you? I swear, Casey-"

"I've kept my mouth shut!" I insisted to him before a smile crept onto my face.

"Casey, Carlos, use your inside voices." Seb told us both...

"I'm Mexican and gay, this is my inside voice." The boy said, practically shouting making me chuckle.

"I mean, why wouldn't we do HSM two?" Kourtney asks. "Our HSM was instantly legendary, and we already have the cast, and half the costumes."

"Yeah, just a lot of new background art." I murmured and she smirked at me, as if saying- that's your problem.

"Man, I was so excited to hold that secret over everybody's head." Carlos says, annoyed.

Ashlyn then pulled me and Gina away from the other three, explaining how the night was going to be. Lots of people. Too many for me. Great. I found myself unpacking cans of soda, root beer and whatever else Ashlyn had bought for the party.

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