ᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ꜰɪᴠᴇ

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ᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ꜰɪᴠᴇ

"Look at 'em." Carlos muttered from his phone.

"Honey, get off North High Drama's Instagram page." Miss Jenn told him, causing me to look over at him with a raised eyebrow, forgetting the guitar that I was just tuning. Wow.

"Zack Roy is posing next to a cardboard trophy, with the caption it's only a matter of time." He said, showing Miss Jenn.

"Straight men; my worst nightmare." I say, looking over at Seb.

"How is his hairline closer to his forehead than when we were dating?" Miss Jenn asks, making me slip up on the string. What did she just say? "Plugs... Definitely plugs. I knew it- oh, no!" I glanced over at the woman with the phone. "Did I just heart it? Un-heart it! Un-heart it!" She said to the boy, of who quickly took hold of it and did so.

"At least we have more followers than them." Seb says to our drama teacher.

Carlos locked his phone, snapped his head up and put a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "You do know I bought 10,000 of those, right?"

"What? I followed all of them back! I couldn't move my thumb for a week..." He murmured the last bit, and I gave him a sympathetic look.


"You can't just hold the guitar for the whole audition." I turned to look at Gina, of who was stretching on the floor.

"And you're still impatient? It's no more than an hour to go before you hear the song." I say with a teasing smirk, walking towards her.

"I'm not impatient, I'm just interested." She insisted to me.

"Right." I say, not believing it one bit. There was a silence between us both as she continued to stretch. No, I wasn't staring. I was observing, and shit.

"GINA?!" Carlos called the girl, and she gave me a tired look.

"Don't miss me too much." She teased, and just like that, she was gone. I watched her walk away before strumming my guitar, one string before the next. Oh boy, was I really gonna do this?

My phone went off from my back pocket and I took it out, opening up a facetime call with Nini and Kourtney. Furrowing my eyebrows, I looked at Kourt on my screen. "Are you downstairs right now?"

She scoffed like it was impossible. "No- as if." I was silent and raised an eyebrow as I found somewhere quiet and away from the rest. "Maybe... OH NINI, you should've seen Case and G today they were sat NEXT-"

"OKAY MOVING ON." I say to the girl, and she smirked at me.

"Okay, but, Casey, do you also have that feeling that you're about to throw up?" Kourtney asks me, and I nodded.

"Had it since lunch time. I don't know if it's to do with the fries in the canteen, though." I say.

"Kourt, Case, stop. Casey, I've heard you at midnight singing Taylor Swift, you're gonna rock this. Kourtney, you're a star, and a boss, and Miss Jenn would be crazy not to cast the both of you." My sister argued with us both. "Which is exactly why I made this!" She showed us the shirt she was wearing, and I smiled at my sister's doing. TEAM KOURTNEY TEAM CASEY was written across the pink shirt Nini was wearing, and Kourtney laughed.

"Why are you the best?" Kourtney asks my sister.

"It'll be really awkward now if we don't get in." I say and the girl laughed again. "But seriously, I'm ending up as a dancing utensil." I say.

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