ᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴇɪɢʜᴛᴇᴇɴ

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ᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴇɪɢʜᴛᴇᴇɴ

As I walked into Slices, Kourtney and her mother continued to low-key bicker with each other, making me smile and giggle. They were the perfect mother-daughter duo, in my opinion, and were hilarious.

"Come on." Her mother insisted, opening the door.

"I'm fine." Kourtney whined as she walked into the place. "I don't need another bodyguard, that's what Casey is for."

Her mother exhaled sharply and gave me a knowing look. "I'm not your bodyguard." She said, looking at a Kourtney that was glancing in every direction necessary to see if a certain boy was present. "I'm your mother, and part-time therapist." She told her daughter as she turned around to look at her.

"Well, I don't need a therapist either." Kourt said and her mother looked over at me again, not believing it.

"Let's be real, Kourt." I say. "We all need a therapist." A small smirk played on my face as I said it.

"Okay, but, like, did Howie even like me or was he just trying to get intel on East High?" Kourt asks the two of us and I looked over at Mrs. Greene like we'd both been hearing the same question for hours and hours on end beforehand.

"Well, have you considered askin' him?" Kourtney's mother asked her the question and she glanced away for a moment, not too happy with the answer.

"It sounds so simple when you say it." As the two continued their conversation, I found myself helping Big Red over at the counter, away from the mother and daughter half-arguing, half-debating and half-bickering.

"So, did you get the career quiz back?" Big Red asks me, and I glanced back at him from the box he'd been trying to give me.

"Uh, yeah. Just, not cared. Haven't even opened it." I say honestly, shrugging. "Why, what's wrong?" The boy shook his head, murmuring it was nothing and I narrowed my eyes at him. "You sure? I'm free to talk if you need it."

He slid the box closer to me again. "For Mrs G. Cannoli, on the house." He weakly smiled before walking away.

Sighing, I put on a brave face and turned back around, walking to my friend's mom and holding out the box for her. "Cannoli, on the house, Mrs Greene." I told her.

"How'd you all know I would need this at the moment, huh?" The woman smiled at me, and I just shrugged.

"It was Big Red, ma'am. The boy lives to serve." I told her, making her chuckle before thanking me and leaving the place.

As I turned back around from the front door, I saw Nini and Kourt hugging and I smiled before running around, hugging them both making them giggle.

"Hey, you ain't getting away from a hug with me." I murmured, but I knew both of the girls were really going through it at the moment.

"I'm fine." Kourtney murmured quietly before Nini and I pulled away.

"Yeah, I can tell." My sister said in return, not believing it. Someone caught her eyes away from Kourt, and I looked over to see Ricky. "Hey." When Kourtney saw the boy, she moved to the side so Nini could really see him. "Thought you're helping out with the crew."

"Yeah... Turns out I can't paint, or hammer." He chuckled dryly and we stood there, like the emoji. "Which shouldn't surprise me since my career aptitude test basically revealed that I have no profitable skills." The boy told us both, and I raised an eyebrow.

That I am not toooooo surprised over, but let's not make a big deal of it.

Nini gave me and Kourt a glance and we nodded. "We should..." The girl mumbled a little.

"Let's get to work." I say, even if I didn't even work there. As the two of us walked away from the couple, she began to complain about how legally I was not allowed to help her, which got a response of me telling her to just fire me afterwards and not add pay to the job listing, causing her to sigh.

"Okay, take this to table six." The girl told me, handing me a pizza on a tray.

I gave her confused look. "Which one is table six?"

"Exactly. Fired." Kourtney said, pointing over to a table near the front windows.

"I'll get fired when I feel like getting fired, thank you." I told her before walking over to the table with a fake smile to show for the customers.

As I walked back to the counter, I picked up cutlery and such for the same customers before stopping as I heard Nini and her boyfriend arguing, loudly.

"I don't know. But hearing you say you wished I would come home and wished I'd leave my dream behind was, like, a lot of feelings at once." Nini shouted and I handed the cutlery over to one of the other waiters, pointing over to the table.

"Okay, I'm a little lost here, too." Ricky replied. "I don't even know what's going on with you, and, honestly, it's kind of freaking me out." I went to walk towards them when Kourtney gave me a look to wait until she was done with her table. "First, you wait 'till the last second to tell me you're leaving for YAC-"

"And then you went behind my back and asked Miss Jenn to give me a part in the show, even though I told you I didn't want one." Giving an impatient glare over at Kourtney, I hoped it would send her a message to hurry the fuck up.

"Then you wrote that song instead of telling me how you feeling-" Ricky muttered-shouted. As it continued, their voices gained volume, getting louder and louder.

"When my song got cut, you didn't even care-"

"You didn't come home to be with me-"

"I was trying to do the right thing."

"So was I."

"Okay, that's it." I told Kourtney before walking towards the two. "Guys, maybe use your inside voices... there are real customers in here right now..." I murmured to them both, but Ricky didn't care.

"I'm out of here." The boy muttered under his breath and the three of us watched him leave, not a word being said.


Casey, please talk to me
I'm sorry.

Please just give me time
I'll be ready to talk when I am.

I care, I want to make this work

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