ᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ

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ᴀᴄᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ

Joining the call on my laptop, I joined both Nini and Miss Jenn.

"Casey! Nini! Can. You. Hear. Me?" The teacher asked us, spacing out each and every word.

I gave my sister a look as we both chuckled. "All the way from outer space, yes." Nini commented on the teacher's background, and I smiled.

"Loud and clear, Miss Jenn." I told the teacher as she tried to get it back to a normal background.

She chuckled shortly as she continued to talk to us both. "So thankful for technology in these dark times." Dark times? What was this a pandemic?

"You mean... spring break?" I ask, reading my sister's mind.

The teacher nodded. "Yes, of course I do." Stress began to rise in the three-person zoom meeting. "The Menkies are right around the corner, and we now have to split the troop for a whole week. It is tragic." Both me and Nini nodded at our drama teacher's panic.

"How's your break so far?" She asked, toning down the total drama (see what I did there?) that she had to show.

"Uh- we've been okay." Nini says. "I've decided to fully focus on my music channel this week." I smiled at my sister on the screen as she spoke about it. I really was happy for her. "I just suddenly have a lot of free space in my brain."


"And Casey? How has it been?" My eyes widened slightly at the question.

"Um. I mean, good thing is I've been watching the live-action and animated version of Beauty and the Beast on repeat." I tell the teacher. "Revision." I nodded, making her smile.

Carlos suddenly popped up on screen in his cute lil Hawaiian shirt. "Hola, madrina. Hola, Nini and Casey!" The boy said to us, and we smiled, saying hello as he was handed something, and Seb then joined.

"Hi, kids." Miss Jenn said. "Are you spending the break apart?" She asks, pointing out the very obvious difference between backgrounds in the meeting.

"I did invite him to a four-star resort with my family is Los Cabos." Carlos shrugged and I felt as though I would have to google it later on.

"And I told him Milky White was nearing labour." Seb argued. We could hear sheep and cows in the background as he spoke. "Cows don't stop having babies just because school let out."

"Yet somehow, you're having a cow about me not staying in Salt Lake, so..." Carlos mumbled on until two joined the meeting.

"WHAT'S UP?" Both EJ and Ashlyn showed themselves in one camera as they said it and I smiled at the two cousins.

As we said our hellos, EJ walked back to his own camera as Ashlyn explained why it looked like they were both on some sugar high. "Sorry. Our parents all went to Park City together and left us to watch the house. We've been streaming old movies."

"Yeah," EJ said. "Watched Scary Movie last night. Ah! What a classic!"

"Never heard of it." Seb shook his head while I thought about it.

"Old?" Miss Jenn asked, and I could tell if she was offended or confused.

"You guys are watching like, old, old movies." Nini told the two before Miss Jenn carried on.

"Well, I wanted to tell you guys-"

Suddenly Kourt joined. "Sorry we're late. Emergency in the kitchen." She insisted before Big Red joined.

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