51)Mama Bear Clarke

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Clarke was sitting in the drop-ship, rolling the bandages she had just made and trying to get some semblance of organisation in the small area set up as an infirmary. There had been a big storm the night before and most of the wall surrounding the camp had fallen down meaning everybody had a job. There had already been four kids in to see her with injuries ranging from 'Getting distracted while using an axe' to 'splinters really hurt okay?'

Once the wall was repaired it would be a lot calmer, especially injury wise, but it was always good to be prepared so Clarke was gathering a small kit of medical supplies.

They also needed food but she figured Bellamy would take care of that. He would probably walk into camp with a haul of meat and say something about "bringing home the bacon as per usual" and she would roll her eyes but be thankful that he was. They lead the camp together but they did have their domains of expertise. Opposites do attract after all though she would definitely not say he completed her. She may, however, admit that she was glad to have him around.

Jasper came into the drop-ship then and Clarke expected him to present his finger and announce that the splinters really had it in for him today but instead he looked nervous.

"What have you done this time Jasper?" Her voice was stern but she smiled warmly not minding at all how much he reminded her of a little boy asking his mother for help.

"Huh? Oh, no it's not me it's Bellamy. Miller fell off the top of the wall and Bellamy caught him but I heard something break. It wasn't Miller and Bellamy said he was fine but I could tell he wasn't and- I just thought you'd want to know."

Jasper was wringing his hands and Clarke could tell he was worried. He had gotten really attached to his two leaders.

"Thank you Jasper, where is he now?"

The boy barely managed to get the words "Still working on the wall the stubborn bastard." Before Clarke had marched out the door patting Jasper on the shoulder on her way out.

The wall was looking a lot better than that morning and Clarke quickly found Bellamy near the gate hammering in a few posts. He was getting the job done but Clarke could tell he was in pain; his breaths were shallow and it looked as if he was trying hard not to curl his arm around his chest as he worked.

Determinedly striding towards him with Jasper following behind caused a few heads to turn and someone to let out a low "ooh someone's in trouble." Clarke slowed her pace and tried to replace her scowl with a relaxed smile.

Bellamy had once let slip that "I wish you wouldn't contradict me in front of the kids." That had made the whole 'camp mum and dad' thing make a lot more sense but she knew it upset him when she undermined him like that so she tried to be as casual as possible.

"Hey Bellamy, how's the wall coming?" He turned and looked at her, noticing the hovering Jasper and the number of watchful eyes looking on, and tried to stand up a little straighter.

"Good, the front sections almost fully repaired, we should be done by lunch tomorrow."

Clarke nodded and asked a few more lame questions about the wall until the delinquents got bored of watching and carried on with their work. Clarke nodded towards the drop ship and waited for Bellamy to drop his tools before going inside.

"Thanks Jasper I can take it from here." She smiled at the boy and he left, looking nervously at Bellamy and hoping that he somehow didn't realize he had ratted him out.

"What do you need Princess? More seaweed? Cause we just went out and got some like two days ago, I thought-"

Clarke interrupted him. "Take your shirt off and sit on the table."

Bellarke One Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now