70)In the Heat of The Moment

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Clarke rolled over in her bed. Today had been rough with most of the kids in camp sick with the flu. They had the flu on the Ark but this was from earth, it had had almost a hundred years to mutate. This new strain hit quick, causing headaches, drowsiness, inflamed glands and a high fever.

With all the time she spent with them she was lucky she hadn't caught it herself. Wick had been in bed for days with a worried Raven sitting with him the whole time. The sickness wasn't deadly but it wasn't pleasant and some of the fevers were so high it caused hallucinations, making some of the kids delirious.

She was lucky that Bellamy hadn't caught it yet either. He was on guard duty for the delirious delinquents that kept getting into trouble. With all the noise coming from outside she supposed she should go out and see what it was. She was just getting out of bed when she heard someone shout her name.

Scrambling out of her tent she whirled towards the noise finding Miller on the ground with Bellamy standing over him.

"Where is she?!" Bellamy was obviously upset and Miller was holding his jaw.

"Woah, Bellamy! What's going on?"

Clarke ran up to her co-leader and put a hand on his arm which he quickly shook off.

"They've taken her and he won't tell me where she is. WHERE IS SHE?"

Miller sighed from the ground and took Clarkes hand as she helped him up.

"He's sick, he must be hallucinating or something. He kept screaming that they took someone and he punched me when I asked what the hell he was talking about."

Clarke shook her head and sighed, she should have knocked on wood.

Bellamy was muttering things to himself as Clarke took a look at Millers jaw.

"Just a bruise. Thank you Miller, I'll sort this out."

He sent an anxious look towards Bellamy and back at Clarke.

"Are you sure you don't want some help? He's got a pretty mean swing even like this."

Clarke smiled. She loved this kid, he just got punched in the face by a feverish Blake and he still wanted to help.

"It's fine Miller, I'll take care of it."

He shrugged and headed back towards the drop-ship to watch the other flu ridden kids.

Bellamy was still muttering but had moved to some tents and had begun rummaging through them.
Clarke quickly went over and, careful to leave some fist-dodging distance, called out for the crazed man.

"Bellamy? That's Connors tent. Can you tell me what you're looking for maybe I can help?"

She knew the best way to get through to him at this point was to play along with whatever dream he was seeing. At least until he calmed down a bit. He turned around to look at her and grabbed her arms.

"Clarke! They took Octavia, they took my baby sister. I have to get her back Moms gonna get in trouble, she's gonna be mad."

Clarke was close enough now to see how tired he was, his eyes glazed over and his cheeks red. She slowly reached a hand up to his forehead and felt the heat there.

"Oh Bellamy, your burning up. No one's taken Octavia she's fine."

He looked confused and let her go to keep shifting through Connors things. He wouldn't be happy about that.

"No, they took her. It's all my fault, she's gone and I have to find her."

Clarke sighed again deciding to risk a punch to take his hands so he'd look at her.

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