65)You happened right on time

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When the doors close and the train sets in motion, Clarke collapses on her seat and closes her eyes, trying to regulate her breathing as the young man sitting right next to her briefly looks up from his book before quickly turning his head away. She manages a shy smile that he doesn't see, then hears the buzzer of a phone and disappears behind her bag right when he brings his gaze up again - this time she's the one who misses it, but her mind has better to worry about when she finally pulls her cell out and reads the text that pops up on the screen the moment she unlocks it.

« be running a little late, wait for me at the station »

She makes a long, annoyed exhalation and rolls her eyes. Sure, let's make this even more fucking difficult. She sighs deeply and jumps slightly when she notices the man still looking at her from his seat, shamelessly this time, his expression weirdly wandering between annoyance and amusement.

"Shit, did I say that out loud ?!"

He gives a smirk.

"Oh, but please, be my guest, we all want to hear about your problems, it has been all too quiet and peaceful in here before you rush in."

She still can't tell whether he is teasing or groaning - is it even possible he's doing both ? - so she just crosses her legs nervously. He's cute. Tall, tanned, all muscles and strength but not deprived of some sort of depth in his look with something soft and considerate in the way he frowns when looking at her - through her - despite his obvious impatience. And the freckles on his face bring out a strange impression of childish innocence that contrats with the hardness of his jaw. Okay he's hot.

"There was only you in here" she says dumbly.

"My point exactly."

Now he is definitly annoyed with her. Great. He goes back to his book while she tries to come up with a way to apologize. Wait, what does she even care ?

"No need to be rude ! she snaps. I'm already being left hanging around at the station for an hour, that's enough caveman attitude for today !"

"Oh, the princess doesn't like to be put on wait", he grunts without even looking at her.

Clarke feels like she could smash the damn book onto his head. She narrows her eyes, and when she answers, her tone turns out much more hysterical than she meant it.

"That's not... Listen it's early, I've barely had 4 hours of sleep before almost missing my train and nearly killing myself in a heart attack trying to catch it, only to learn that my... um ! date is running late, so I really don't need some cocky moody nerd to give me a hardtime for disturbing his reading... of a not even so good French classical, by the way !"

He raises one eyebrow but he seems amused again. She bites her lip.

"Everyone knows Victor Hugo basically copied Walter Scott and Shakespeare, and then mixed them up to come up with his so-called own genius."

There is a new gleam in his eyes when he finally looks up again, before he closes his book and moves to the edge of his seat. She holds his gaze while he patiently waits for her to calm down. She can't even imagine what she must look like right now.

"Sorry" she whispers eventually.

He still doesn't speak and god, again she wants to knock him down and wipe that smirk off his face. However, weirdly, she actually finds herself wanting to talk to him more about... that, and he must sense it somehow.

"So -"

His expression softens as he speaks and that makes her want to lay her head on his shoulder. Whaaat ?

Bellarke One Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now