95) That Dont Impress Me Much

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By: arysa13

Okay, So You're a Rocket Scientist

Tinder is Octavia's idea, and Clarke isn't totally thrilled with the notion, but she's been single now for almost a year and she's ready to get back into dating. According to Octavia, Tinder isn't actually all just sleaze bags or people just looking for a hook up. Not that there's anything wrong with just wanting a hook up, it's just not really what Clarke wants. Nevertheless, she trusts her roommate's advice and downloads the app and sets up a profile. She's picky at first, hardly swiping right at all, until Octavia gets impatient with her and snatches her phone off her one day, swiping right on a whole bunch of creeps.

"How do you know they aren't the one unless you give them a chance, Clarke?" Octavia says knowingly as she hands the phone back to a scowling Clarke. Unfortunately, since Clarke's profile photo is super hot, most of them turn out to be matches and she has to fend off the incoming fuckboys. It's not hard to spot them as they usually just ask her for nudes straight up, or a threesome, when they see she's bisexual. She unmatches those guys straight away. There is one guy though, who sees she's studying medicine and asks her about her course. He's a little older than her, and he's a doctor too, and reasonably good looking.

"Hey, I think your random swiping actually may have hit one good one," Clarke says, showing Octavia the messages.

"Statistically it had to happen," Octavia shrugs. "Ew, his name is Cage though."

"Do you think I should see if he wants to go on a date or something?" Clarke asks. Octavia is the Tinder expert after all.

"Sure," Octavia nods. "But have me on speed dial in case you get trapped. Ha, get it? Cause his name's Cage?"

"I got it," Clarke rolls her eyes.


Clarke arranges for a date with Cage (well he arranges it. He claims he knows all the best places to eat.), and they meet up a week later. He isn't as good looking in person, but Clarke isn't really that disappointed. She's not after him for looks, after all.

He kisses her on the cheek when they meet outside the Italian restaurant.

"Lovely to meet you in person," he says as he leads her inside. He pulls her chair out for her, which is nice, if a little old fashioned. That's where the niceness stops though. Cage orders a red wine for them both when the waiter arrives.

"Actually, I'll just have a cider," Clarke tells the waiter. "I don't really like wine," she turns to Cage, only to see him frowning at her. "What?" she asks, wiping her face in case she has something on it.

"I think you should have the wine," he tells her. "Cider isn't really going to go with what we're eating."

"We haven't even ordered yet," Clarke points out.

"I ordered when I booked the table," Cage says, as if it's obvious.

"Right," Clarke rolls her eyes. "Wine it is then." She can't really be bothered arguing, and if he's paying then she supposes it doesn't matter if she doesn't drink her drink.

Cage only gets more painful after that. He quizzes her on medical terms, tells her all her opinions are wrong and forcefully teaches her how to pronounce everything on the menu. It's a nightmare.

When said nightmare with Cage is finally over, he leaves her with a dry kiss, and Clarke is in need of a stiff drink to wash the taste of him off her lips. She heads to the bar near her apartment where she knows Octavia will be working.

Bellarke One Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now