77) Lonely Hearts Club

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Achieve of our own
By: Arysa13

"Are you still in your pyjamas?" Bellamy asks as he walks in the door to see Clarke lying on the couch, laptop on her knees, hair unbrushed and a stack of dirty plates beside her.

"So what if I am?" Clarke replies, her eyes not leaving the screen.

"You've been in them for over a week now," Bellamy points out, walking up behind her and peering over her shoulder. "I really think you should get out."

"No thanks," Clarke responds.

"You've been playing The Sims and watching Friends reruns since last Thursday. It's not healthy," Bellamy tells her gently.

"Well I can't exactly go to work, can I?" she snaps, finally looking up from her computer. Bellamy flinches. "Sorry," Clarke says softly. "I don't know what to do. I feel useless since the gallery shut down."

"Have you tried looking for another job?" Bellamy asks, trying not to sound too pushy. It's a touchy subject. Clarke groans and covers her head with the blanket she's covered herself with.

"There's nothing!" she wails, her voice muffled by the blanket. She mumbles something that Bellamy can't understand.

"What was that?" he asks. She pops her head back out.

"It was hard enough the first time trying to get a job in the field I'm qualified in. Everyone told me, but I didn't listen. I'm going to have to get a job digging holes in the desert," she pouts, trying to bring humour to the situation, but Bellamy knows she's really gutted. She loved her job.

"Hey, something will come up," he assures her. "Meanwhile, you need a project."

"I don't feel much like doing art," Clarke sighs.

"So, it doesn't have to be art. Maybe you could learn a language," he suggests.

"I'll think about it," Clarke tells him and immediately turns back to her Sims family. Bellamy sighs softly as he heads to his room, worried about Clarke but not sure what to do to help her.


Clarke is pretty sure she's not depressed. She's just taking being unemployed pretty hard. She had loved her job.

She knows Bellamy's right. It's unhealthy to stay in one's pyjamas for a week, not leaving the house. She knows he's right, but she resents him a little for trying to help her. She doesn't want help, she wants to be left alone. Either that or the gallery magically opens again and she gets her job back.

Still, his suggestion of a project isn't totally terrible. It's just a question of what kind of project. Learning a language seems too long term, and like she told Bellamy, she doesn't feel up to doing any kind of art just yet.

Clarke finally closes her laptop with a sigh, just as Bellamy comes back into the room.

"Alright, time to get up. Go and get in the shower," he orders.

"Do I have to?" she whines.

"Yes. I invited our friends over for a movie night and they won't like you any more if you smell like that," he grins. Clarke groans.

"Come on," he says, striding over to the couch and picking her up.

"Hey, this isn't fair," she complains.

"You really do stink," he screws up his nose.

"Like you can talk," Clarke scoffs. Bellamy carries her to the bathroom and puts her on the floor.

"They'll be here in an hour," Bellamy tells her as he leaves the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.


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