60)The nearness of you

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To be fair, Clarke has just come from a really bad break up. And it must be written somewhere that the severity of the break up is directly proportionate to the amount of alcohol to be consumed (already consumed, her throbbing head reminds her). The heaviness in her limbs must be accounted to that, and also the dead prickling of her legs, and the warm hard body curled around her from behind, too, because -

Wait. What?

Her sharp intake of breath has the warm, hard body tensing behind her (she's definitely ignoring the hardness that's pressing against her ass because that is not the point here), the heaviness in her arms now known as another pair that's decidedly not hers tightening as if by habitual impulse. She'll admit, maybe never, that the embrace feels strangely welcome and familiar and warm and comfortable -

"Holy shit, that's a lot of wine," a voice rumbles on her back, the tremors of his chest sending an involuntary shiver down her back for absolutely no reason at all. Shut up.

It is then that she decides to open her eyes and survey her surroundings. Okay, she's still in her apartment, there's magazines strewn everywhere, and also maybe in the same amount, the number of wine bottles standing at various parts of her living room. Her laptop is open and still lit, there are two glasses of half-finished red wines atop her coffee table, and a video recorder (her father's) next to a precariously stacked pile of magazines... wedding magazines. What the hell?

Now that her mind is a bit de-hazed, she can correctly say that the rest of the magazines on her floor are also wedding magazines, and the website open on her laptop is a wedding venue site - which are all pretty weird when just last night she had broken it up with her girlfriend of one year.

"Clarke?" says the voice, now dangerously near her ear that she can feel the skimming of his breath on her skin. She has a split second to realize exactly who it is that she's allowing a cuddling session with; her brain goes into a mildly panicked overdrive, chanting it's Bellamy over and over. "Are you awake?"

She coughs to clear her voice and extricates herself from his embrace, sitting up on the couch, because it's freaking weird cuddling with your sworn frienemy. She immediately regrets that decision when her hangover goes full force that she has to double over and shut her eyes tight to quell the pain.

"Hey, you okay?" Bellamy asks, his sleep-roughened voice doing her no favors at all. She dare not face him in fear of seeing a smirk or a condescending glare (never mind that the tone of his voice is soft and concerned, which are both unheard of whenever he's interacting with her).

"Yeah, it's just..." she swallows and stands. "That was just a lot of wine."

She makes her way to the kitchen to grab two bottles of water, questions whirling in her head about the prior night - of which she could barely remember. She knows the reason behind the wine, but the rest - the wedding magazines, the wedding website, the Bellamy-Blake-cuddling-her-on-her-couch - they are all one big blank in her mind. Maybe he remembers something.

So when she goes back to the living room, sporting a half-empty water bottle, and finds him still slumped over on the sofa but in a less compromising position, she hands him the other one and starts interrogating.

"What do you remember of last night?" she asks as she plops down next to him on her previous spot. She watches as he takes a large grateful gulp from the bottle, capping it again, and then faces her with a weird questioning glance.

"I take it you don't remember anything, too," he says, not really an answer, but not also a question. Which just confirms that he's been drinking with her, too, and it's not good. What if... what if -

"Did we - did you - " she splutters, panic seeping into her pitch as she tries to jostle her brain. What if they had sex? Inebriated people do stupid things like that, and like not use a condom, or not pull out or something. What if she gets knocked up? She just came from a break up - everybody will assume she's been sleeping with Bellamy and assume that it's the reason why she broke up with Lexa - oh God, what if Lexa assumes that, too?

Bellarke One Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now