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Clarke tucked the pregnancy test into her purse. She didn't really know why she did it. Maybe she was being sentimental? This would be her first kid. God. She was having kids. With Bellamy Blake, of all people.

She was nervous to tell him. She didn't really know what his initial reaction would be, but she knew in the long run he would be happy. He always wanted kids, that at least she knew. Even if they had only been in a relationship for 8 months. Secretly.

No one knew about it. At times, they thought people had suspected, but she and Bellamy were really good at keeping this stuff on the down low. It had happened one night when he showed up with a leggy woman on his arm to her art gallery downtown. Clarke was jealous. So jealous. She tried not to show it, she really did, but one look at his knowing smirk and she had done something younger Clarke would have never done. She walked straight up to that handsome bastard, grabbed his face, kissed him like his life depended on it, and then dragged him away. The girl had balked, but one look at Clarke's death glare and the girl backed down.

That night they had fucked four times, once in her back office, and the rest at her place. They had been pretty much inseparable since, not that anyone knew this.

For a while they were both convinced that whatever they had was not a relationship, just a release of the sexual tension. But then he bought her flowers, calla lilies, no less, on the anniversary of her dad's death. Something broke inside her. She was in total love with the asshole that was Bellamy Blake.

They both agreed to not tell anyone, as they put it, just in case this... thing... was just a mutually beneficial sexual thing. But in truth, it was both because they were too proud to face the looks of "I told you so" everyone would give them. Octavia had been trying to set them up for years. Raven had constantly urged her to just fuck him and get it over with. Monty and Jasper said it would make things easier now that everyone had coupled off, Jasper and Maya, Octavia and Lincoln, Raven and Wick, Monty and Miller. It left only Clarke and Bellamy as the only single ones, which made for some awkward couples' game nights (although not that awkward, since Clarke and Bellamy had kicked all of their asses on multiple occasions even when they weren't a couple). Even Clarke's mother agreed she could use someone stable in her life, although she didn't pick Bellamy as the lucky guy.

Clarke knocked on O's door loudly, since she knew the party was raging hard in there. Her brow was furrowed in thought, trying to envision a way to get out of drinking Monty's moonshine mix for the night. Plus, she was going to face Bellamy and hide the fact that she was carrying their child long enough until she could get him alone for even a second, which would be hard, considering they still had to keep up the facade of frienemies.

"Clarke? You just gonna stand there?"

Clarke hadn't even realized the door was open, she was too caught up in her thoughts. "Oh! Sorry, just thinking. By the way I can't drink tonight.... I um... have a long drive in the morning." Clarke knew it wasn't her best excuse, but hell, it was all she had.

"Sure." God O's sarcasm was almost as potent as her brother's. "I'll just mix you up a virgin martini then?" O smiled deviously.

"Seriously, O, no. No alcohol tonight. I mean it."

"God are you pregnant or something?" Even though Octavia was just joking, Clarke couldn't help a quick blush, one she tamped down as quickly as possible.

"CLARKEY! WERE PLAYING LIFE! COME ON DOWN!" Jasper's high pitched voice pierced the air, and Clarke couldn't help but laugh. She was 10 minutes late and Jasper and Monty were already drunk (and possibly high), with Monty lying in Miller's lap and Jasper in Maya's.

"You're with Bellamy again...*hiccup*" Monty pointed over to Bellamy, who was casually sitting on the floor, his mop of hair covering his eyes. Clarke had two thoughts: one, she needed to cut his hair again, and two, how could he be so calm when she was standing there prego with his kid? The jerk! Except, Clarke knew, he didn't know. Still, it pissed her off.

Bellarke One Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now