58) Friends (I watched us as we changed)

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She and Bellamy become friends on a Wednesday, and Clarke swears she's lost hearing in her right ear from the way Jasper is screaming over the phone exactly thirteen seconds after the notification appears on her Facebook timeline.

"You're dating Bellamy?!" Jasper's excited voice greets her instead of a hello, and Clarke tries to stop him but he keeps rambling, "Oh my God, I knew it! I've called it since, like, forever! I need to call Monty, he's out on a date with Nate but this is so much more important. He's gonna be so pissed he missed -"

"Jasper," Clarke scolds him with that tone that earned her to be nicknamed Mom in their little group, "I'm not dating Bellamy. As in, I am not dating Bellamy," she repeats to make sure he gets it.

There's a silence followed by a little Oh and then Jasper screams again. "You guys did it?!" he half-asks, half-deafens her.

"Jasper! What the hell?!" Clarke screams back at him, her mouth opening and closing in a frozen gasp. "I did not sleep with Bellamy, stop it! We're just friends! Like you and Bellamy. Do I go around asking you if you hooked up with him?" she tries to taunt, but Jasper isn't having any of it.

"Stop trying to change the subject, Griffin," Jasper says, using her scolding tone against her. "You and Bellamy. Official friends, huh?"

"I'm not sure Facebook is the high authority on formalizing relationships," Clarke argues with a sigh as she lifts a hand to rub at her temple. She loves Jasper, she really does, but sometimes she feels like she is - and admittedly, Bellamy, too - the only real adult in their group.

Jasper chuckles. "So you're calling it a relationship now. Interesting." She can just imagine him rubbing his chin like the idiot he is - Clarke knew it'd be a bad idea when he and Octavia decided to take that Psychology class this semester.

"Oh, shut up," she groans, and she hears him laugh and say something like very mature, Clarke, but she ignores him. "He's almost never on anyway, and when he is, we usually just argue over Octavia's status and I realized we weren't actually friends so I figured it was time to be, okay? No big deal."

"So you made the first step? That's my girl!" Jasper all but squeals, and Clarke wishes Monty were here to calm him down - his best friend and roommate is probably the only person who truly understands what goes on in that crazy mind of his.

Clarke rolls her eyes at his excitement as he keeps babbling - Jasper can be ridiculous sometimes, just like when they binge-watched that sci-fi dystopian show during Christmas break. The roads had been covered in ice, campus snowed in, so they had all huddled together beneath a pile of fuzzy blankets in her and Raven's dorm to exchange gifts and drink hot cocoa for a week. It had been kind of perfect in an unexpected way, because none of them were eager to go home or even had a home to go back to - she'd learned very early on that Octavia and Bellamy were each other's only family, but now they all had each other. After a couple of days building snowmen and playing cards - Raven and Bellamy were the best at poker, up until the moment when a tipsy Octavia had suggested they switched to strip poker and then nobody had wanted to play anymore - Jasper and Monty had suggested they watched that show they'd heard about that was now available on Netflix, and then everybody had proceeded to gush over just how much the two lead characters were like she and Bellamy from episode one.

He threatened to cut off her hand! He hates her! Clarke had argued at first, but Jasper had just shaken his head at her like she was an idiot and then started tearing up at the way the guy was looking at the girl as she mercy-killed one of their friends. It's like she's an angel sent from the heavens to save him and everything she does is magic, Octavia had romantically phrased. Bellamy had remained mostly silent, just snorting every now and then at their friends' comments before offering to make those legendary Blake cookies, gently draping the blanket he and Octavia shared around her and dropping a kiss on his sister's forehead, his gaze falsely annoyed and a lot fond before he disappeared.

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