Best friends or lovers?

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Surprise! I had a split second of inspiration so I thought I would update. Unfortunately i am not back from taking a break but i thought this was a cute idea and couldnt get it out of my head so here you go...

Julie and luke sat in the studio on the sofa with Julie's legs draped over Luke's.

The two had been friends ever since birth so naturally they were very physical with eachother, sometimes people mistook them for a couple and their friends definately liked to tease them about that.

Julie was reading a novel which meant she was ignoring luke without even meaning too, this didnt sit right with the guitarist do he decided to do something about it.

He began flicking her gently. He flicked her arms, her legs and even her face before she looked up from her book, face half amused, half annoyed and elbowed him in the gut.

Luke hunched over the best he could with Julie practically sat on top of him.

"Jeez Jules, you didnt have to elbow me so hard" he grunted in pain.

She rolled her eyes amused, "grow up you big baby"

Luke started exaggerating his pain a little (ok a lot) to annoy her.

"It hurts, the pain, it's too much" he pretended to whimper

"Here, now your all better" julie kissed him on the cheek, "now stop pretending ur hurt because I know It didnt hurt that badly"

Luke grinned "thankyou Jules, I'm all better now"

Julie rolled her eyes and cuddled into his chest trying to continue with her book.

"Julieeeeee" luke started whining

Julie huffed annoyed "yes Luke?"

"I'm bored" he pouted

"Then write some music" she suggested

"But I have writers block and I want to do something with you" he complained

Julie sighed loudly, finally putting down her book "what do u want to do?"

Luke thought for a minute before realising he didnt actually know.

"I'm not sure, can we just sit here and talk for a while?" He asked whilst chewing his lip nervously for some unknown reason.

Julie smiled at him "sure"

There was a pause and for some reason, it almost felt...intimate. luke shook those thoughts from his head immediately, he couldnt think like that.

"Pinapple on pizza, heaven or hell?" Julie asked suddenly

"Definately heaven, it's just a match made in heaven" he smiled dreamily

Julie's face contorted into one of disgust, "How could u say that??? Fruit does not belong on pizza, it's so gross"

Luke's jaw dropped "Julie! What world are u living in if not one with pinapple on pizza!?"

"A normal one, where theres no fruit on pizza, in what world does pinapple, go well with cheese, pizza sauce and dough!?"

They may be best friends but the two of them loved a debate.

"Yeah well how does icecream and fries taste nice?? One is hot and one is freezing cold" luke said defensively

"Icecream and fries just works ok, pinapple on pizza does not!"

In the most of their debate they had somehow gotten closer to the point where their noses were touching and Luke's arms were wrapped around Julie's waist.

They stopped and just started at eachother for a few seconds before their heads started to move closer.

"Ew luke!" "Julie!" They both yelled at the same time.

Having the same idea they had both licked each others cheek. It was something they both did whenever they wanted to annoy eachother.

They both burst into a fit of giggles.

Just then ray, Julie's father called them in for dinner.

"Let's go, shorty" luke got up and took her by the hand leading her towards the house.

"I'm not that short" julie complained weakly knowing she was infact that short.

Luke raised his eyebrow disbelieving "uh huh"

"Ok I may be short but at least I can do this" just as she said that, Julie bit Luke's forearm and ran off cackling.

Luke stood shocked for a minute before running after her complaining.


Ha you thought they were gonna kiss, nah that would've been to cliché so I put my own twist on it.

Anyways I hope u enjoyed this chapter, I dont know when I will update again and no I'm still not taking requests or anything this was just a one-off I'm sorry.


Until next time x

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