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Needless to say I felt pretty tired when my alarm rang at 6:00 am. I hardly slept last night feeling that a stare was stuck on me. Was that a dream? I quickly realized it wasn't noticing how sticky I felt.
I wanted to run far far away and hide for ever. I then remembered he was in my room and quickly ran to grab some clothes to change into in my closet for after having showered. I ran quickly to the door of my room. Hopefully he wasn't awake yet-
" Good morning sunshine" I quickly covered my ear after I felt his breath upon it. My heart was beating rapidly and every fiber of my being was yelling: run! I could feel adrenaline rush through my veins and I backed away until my back hit a corner. Darn it
" Haha I love that look!" He smiled at me and I only felt more threatened.
" Anyway I have been awake since 5 am. Your mom and dad left. The shower is yours." He laughed stepping away from the door
I ran towards it quickly looking down and avoiding his gaze.
I took my shower quickly since I was sort of in a hurry. I was careful to take the gauze of my head and apply some disinfectant to my wound.
I realized the house was empty and sighed in relief. I grabbed my bag and slung in over my shoulder running to catch the bus before I missed it. I didn't miss it thankfully and made it to school on time. I didn't have many friends but I got along well with the few I had. As I walked to my first class I met with Lorenzo, he was my best buddy and always had my back.
He extended his hand up in the air and I had to jump to give him a high five. My face flushed at the effort. He was quite tall.
" Hey what's up mi amigo?" He ruffled my hair and smiled down at me.
" Not much and you?" I asked
" Everything is great! Remember Cassandra! She said yes to going to the movies with me! I'm really happy!!!" He exclaimed
" Oh...haha that's great!" I tried smiling honestly but I was sort of off today. Just remembering having to clean off his cum from my thighs this morning made me shiver with disgust and also flush with embarrassment.
" Yo dude! You ok?" Lorenzo asked putting his forehead against mine.
" He-hey what are you-" I started
" Just checking if you had a fever and you do seem sort of hot. You should go lie down at the nurse or something." He looked concerned
I tried to shake it off
" You're going to get wrinkles if you frown that much!" I responded pressing my finger on the wrinkles of his forehead.
" Shut up!" He laughed
Good, that was easy.
" Well see you around sometime!" I waved
We both headed in our separate directions. First class history.
I came inside class, I think this is the course I hated the most since I never seemed to make have any friends in it and I never memorized a goddam thing. The dates seemed useless and trivial to me, so my brain took good care of discarding that 'useless' information. But now I needed to pass, because I really didn't want to repeat the year.
" Ok class so today you must hand in your essays." The teacher said showing the spot on the desk where she wanted us to put our papers.
I zipped my backpack open and took out the paper. On it there was a post-it. Saying : "You still owe me that day. See you tonight ;)"
I quickly ripped it off and crumbled it in my hand with a fist.
I then proceeded to put the paper on the teachers desk.
" Alex I would like to speak with you after class." She stated
I started panicking, what could it be now?
I know I had failed every single test since then. She said she would give me a second chance and I really needed for this to be true.
I started to go back to my desk but a dizzy spell hit me all the sudden.
I had to lean on a desk.
" Whats wrong weakling can't stay on your feet?" A Jock mocked seeing his chance to bully in the evidence of weakness.
" Alex are you ok?" My teacher asked with concern.
She put the back of her hand on my forehead. She frowned
" Your burning up!" She exclaimed
" Can someone bring Alex to the nurse please?" The teacher asked
" I'll do it." I looked to see it was the same jock who had mocked me before.
" That's very nice of you Tristan." He went to grab my bag for me and then helped me walk. I was too out of energy to protest. However just as I had suspected he totally changed once we were alone in the nurses office. We were alone. He brought me to a bed with a curtain and closed it around us.
" I've been waiting for a chance to do what I want with you." He chuckled
" Wh-what?!" I exclaimed
He swiftly punched me in the gut making me double over.
" I know you are gay, you know" he said proceeding to kick me in the stomach. I fell on a bed.
" I could see how squeamish you became when we would change for gym." He smacked me in the face
" St-stop!" I had finally regained my breath
" I will if you do me a favour." He said
"W-what?" I asked trembling
A glint flashed in his eyes. A look that I was have me a familiar feeling for some reason.
He chuckled darkly and started unbuckling his pants. I shook and realized what was going on. Oh shit.
I got up and made a sprint for the door. I needed to get away and now.
The breath was knocked out of me when an arm intercepted over my tender middle. I was once more thrown on a bed being straddled. My arms pinned over my head
I didn't know what to do.
" Help!!H-mfff" I struggle as he put a hand on my mouth. My eyes watered. No matter how much I squirmed I couldn't fight him off. I tried to kick bite spit. All it did was exhaust me. It was useless. I was feeling dizzy from my fever. I rested my eyes closing them.
" Hahaha you gave up? Smart choice." He whispered next to my ear proceeding to lick my tears away. I trembled in disgust.
" Hello?" I heard a voice say
My eyes lit up with a new found determination. I renewed my struggles.
I managed to bite his hand hard till it bled.
" Ow! You brat!" He yelled
" Help me!!!" I yelled
The curtain opened revealing the most handsome man I had ever seen, he was young around 25 years old at least 6 foot five, silver air that went down to his jawline. He had round glasses behind which were beautiful long silver lashes encasing the most vibrantly violet eyes. He was wearing a white lab coat.
" Hey no hanky panky in my office." He said looking at the guy who was trying to rape me. He had a shocked look on his face he was frozen there. He quickly got up but it was too late for him.
" Oh I see you were trying to rape a student in my office?!!!?" He sounded enraged
I was relieved but I found what he said was sort of off.
" I see this as a major sign of disrespect. Out! Both of you!" He yelled at me as well
Huh? I was the one who almost got raped here.
Tristan also had a shocked look on his face disbelieving he would get away with attempted rape.
" What do you want me to send you to the principles office for not having a pass?!" He yelled again his face really scary but he sounded really funny
Tristan's eyes widened.
" Here is the pass" he handed out the note
" Oh I see! Trying to take advantage of a sick classmate? " he was calm pondering it
" Fortunately for you I understand that." He looked over to me
I curled into a ball shaking.
" But in my office??!!" He yelled once more really really loud
I covered my ears.
He sighed straightening his is lab coat and adjusting his glasses.
" Also as a teacher I can't let you do that so let's play baseball."
Tristan looked really confused. I did too.
" If I see you near the nurse office ever again. You're out." He threatened smiling. It wasn't a happy smile and it didn't reach his eyes.
" Ok sir." He said
" Now scram" he yelled
Tristan quickly ran away. I can't believe this.
He then looked over to me.
" Let me check your vitals" he ordered
I stayed immobile curled up into a tight ball.
" Hurry up now." He said. I wasn't looking at him but I could feel the menace in his voice. I sat on the ledge of the bed slowly, still feeling dizzy.
He told me to open my mouth. I did and he put a thermometer in. I waited patiently with it uncomfortably resting underneath my tongue. I beeped.
" Yes you have a fever." He scribbled something on a notepad.
The door suddenly burst open
" Bro' I heard you were working here so I decided to pay a visit." I froze
That voice was chilling me to the bone. It was terrifyingly familiar.

Hey sorry for the really late update!! Tell me what you think about the turn of events. The world can be such a small place sometimes.

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