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It wasn't my room anymore and frankly I really wanted to sleep on the couch but my mom didn't want to hear any of it. She said I had a perfectly good bed upstairs and all...
I said I would sleep in my bed, but I was starring at my feet. I feel really guilty when I lie so I just nodded and tried to avoid eye contact.
Supper was almost too happy with my parents putting up the "perfect family" front, it was kinda embarassing to watch so I just ate quietly while my dad would laugh at anything Damian said and my mom kept complimenting him.
I decided to head up to my room first while they were laughing and I managed to pass by unnoticed and locked the door behind me.
Here was my plan: make an overnight bag with a pillow and a covert and my telephone. Head downstairs when my parents and Damian will have fallen asleep and just get up a bit earlier in the morning go to school and all would be fine!!
Dammit, dammit! I totally forgot I have this huge project due monday
10 pages in History!!
I put my laptop in my bag as well and hid the bag under my desk.
I jumped slitghly
" Honey Damian will shower first ok? Please take the towels out for him and show him how the shower works! Your dad and I are going out for a movie. We will be back around midnight so Good night!"
Before I could protest my mom and dad left from the front door and I heard their car engine turn on and its sounds slowly disapear.
I took a deep breath and exhaled.
I oppenned the door to my room.
Damian was right there, crap he was looking at me weird again... I dont know...
" So where are the towels?" He asked
" Just come and get your change if clothes I will prepare the shower for you." I answered ducking past his built body as he entered my room and I headed to the bathroom I heard him chuckle.
Was it my imagination?
I put down a nice dry towel and started the shower getting some if my shirt wet in the process, crap.
" Thanks" I cringed feeling Damian's breath on my neck
I just nodded and headed out.
" Wait Alex?" He asked
I turned around to see he was stripping and I quickly averted my gaze.
" ..y-Yes?" I said
" How do you change the water temparature? Could you do it for me? Please?"
I felt really uneasy about this but I was to shy to answer anything back. So I just decided to get it over with and headed to the shower to adjust the heat.
I put my hand under the water and concentrated to make it just right. There!
I felt a hand on my butt and tensed up, hoping it would leave...
It just stayed and then squeezed my butt.
" Ahh!" I cried and hurried out of the bathroom and into my room.
I got in and locked the door.
Time to call Dimitri my friend, sleep over yeah!
I dialed the number and crossed my fingers hopping he would pick up. When he did I heard the shower stop and I tensed scared.
" Hello?" Dimitri said with a happy voice
" Hey... Would you like to hang at my house tonight... Please"
I asked
" Sure thing man, hey I have this really cool porn I found. " My face turned red
" Y-you were did you get that??" I asked
" I found my big bros secret stash! Is it safe to watch it ar your house." He asked
" Relitavely... I guess. The exchange student is here thought." I said uneasy
" Aww maannn! Is she hot?" He asked
" No- no its a guy see..."
" Well then he could watch the porno with us hey? He wouldn't tell right?"
" ummm (shiiiiit)" I hesitated
" Hey there let me in! I forgot my clothes!" Damian yelled
Darn it
" I oppenned the door and let him in."
He was only wearing a towel and his hair was wet he was smiling creepily at me. Uhhh...
His eyes flickered to the phone on my ear and he quickly grabbed it from me.
" Hi!" He said cherfully" Who is this?"
" ya" pause" haha sounds fun!"pause
" Sure I won't tell" pause
" Ok ! See you soon!"
He hung the phone up and looked at me smirking.
" Go get a box of tissues, we will need them." He ordered stripping once again in front of me and I noticed his hard on.
Oh shitttt!
I looked away embarassed...
I quickly left the room and went to get what he told me to.
Darn it..........
When I brought what he had asked I noticed he was wearing a white T shirt and boxers. He closed the door behind me and smiled
"You should change"
I nodded and entered my closet closing the door and chose to put jogging pants and a large hoodie on. I folded my jeans and put my wet shirt in the hamper.
When I came out Damian gave me a disaprooving look.
"W-what??" I asked panicked
" You will die of a heat stroke with that on.
Before I could reply I was forced on the bed head first and I felt his hands travel up my torso up and down underneath my hoodie. He was straddling me.
" Let me go!!" I cried kicking my legs in a futile effort.
" Shhh I am just checking if you eat enough"
" Stop!!" I felt his hand on my mouth and his other hand went down my pants.
I screamed in his hands. He grabbed my limp dick and started punping it. I reacted to his tuggs against my will and started crying.
" No erectial disfunction, thats good."
I whimpered as his hand tugged quicker.
" Its probably the first time someone touches you here right? Its good to know if you have that problem or not before hand not to be embarrassed in front of your friends." All the sudden I felt a weird clinging feeling in my stomach and saw white, I was quivering and shaking and moaning in his hand. I then lay back down, worn out.
"You are welcome!"I felt his mouth on my hear and shivered

He quickly left me and whipped his hand before he went to answer the door. I was shocked and panted heavily
" Yo! " I hear Dimitri exclaim
Then the stairs creaked under their weight
Hey here is the update
Sorry its late!
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