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I woke with a start.
"What the actual fu!k!!" I shouted at my friend who was shaking me to wake up. Yelling at me.
Not that I was mad at him but...what a creepy dream!!
How could I dream all of that??
" Hahaha!" I started laughing hysterically and hugged my friend with relief.
"Woa!! Mr. Whats wrong?" He asked pating my back and and toussling my hair."
I laughed and let go of him streching.
" Oh and by the way I won't tell anyone about that wet dream you were just having, you are welcome!" He said chuckling
My face turned a dark red and I rushed to the bathroom to shower.
Indeed I had had a wet dream about someone I have never met other then in a dream!
Ah! I started laughing again and then hopped into the shower just really happy after I had cleaned my briefs.
I skipped out of the shower drying myself off quickly and putting a towel around my waist before heading out back to my room.
I saw my friend texting sitting on my bed so absorbed in that device he didn't even notice my presence.
So I decided to dress in my closet.
I went in and then noticed
Oh crap
Hung up on the hangers were large clothes that certainly were not mine.
Wait!!! What was a dream and what was reality???
What the heck happened??
I finished changing my clothes quickly and got out my wardrobe.
" Hey man were you here last night?" I asked
He looked up from his phone
" No dude I tried to text you so many times but you wouldn't pick up." He answered
" Oh..." I said relieved
That was a fu!ked up dream for sure.
Oh gawwd....
" Hey so you wanna go to this group date I was talking to you about last week?" Dimitri asked eyes sparkling
" Sure..." I pondered
No oh wait my history essay!!!
" Great!" He said
" Wait! Actually I have this essay due in history for monday... it's really important... " I said saddly, head tilted downwards.
" aww maaan.!!! I guess it can't be helped. Some other time bruh!" He fist pumped my shoulder before leaving through the door leaving me there with that load of homework i had to do.
I inhaled and exhaled the longest sigh ever in my life before packing my school bag and laptop to go to the town library. I needed at least 3 book references and the library was only 5 blocks away from my house. Ideal for studying and reading and for when I needed some air. And I needed some air from this room that just kept reminding me of that dream I had which disturbed me a whole lot.
Next time I would see Damian would be deadly... Im sure I would be so self conscious people would be able to tell a mile away. Dammit... Why did I have to keep thinking about it.. Darn it. I felt my face grow hot at the memory as I put my bag on my shoulders and headed downstairs.
I stopped in the middle of the flight of stairs to slap my face from both sides so I would snap out of it.
Oww... A bit to hard. My cheeks stung and I frowned while rubbing my face to soothe the pain.
I took a clementine from the counter. I was about to head out when I hear the car drive into the parking lot. Oh no! I didn't want to see Damian.
I headed outside and tried to ignore my parents and Damian who where happily chatting and laughing while taking groceries outside the trunk of the car.
" Hey son!!" I froze hearing my father call me. This I couldn't ignore, I was still in hearing range, both me and my dad knew that.
I turned around and saw my dad holding a whole bunch of bags.
" Help us out!" He said gesturing to the bags
I sighed. I was so close from escaping them. It was frustrating.
"Yes dad!" I replied
I grabbed three bags and headed to the door. They were so heavy! I couldn't open the door. Sigh. I wish I was stronger or these bags lighter..
The door then suddenly openned right in my face knocking me to the ground.
Owww forehead...
" Are you ok little buddy?" Damian said
He looked really did my dad and mum? Why? Normally they would careless about how clumsy I was.
" What is it?" I asked feeling a bit dizzy.
" Oh my goddness honey your bleeding!!" My mom exclaimmed bringing a hand to her mouth, her whole face becoming pale. My mom couldn't handle the sight of blood. She always got sick during horror movies. My dad ran to her side as she passed out and brought her to the couch.
I felt a warm liquid trickle down from my forehead.
" Hey? Can you stand Alex?" Damian asked
I nodded and stood shakily. Maybe a bit to fast. I saw stars and felt a large hand press on my upper back stopping me from falling.
I was guided inside and then lifted up.
I closed my eyes feeling dizzy.
" Don't worry Sir I will take good care of him." I felt the tremble of Damians voice from his chest on my head and it hurt my wound slightly.
I then think I heard a door being openned and felt myself being deposed on a soft surface.
" I need you to sit up Alex. Can you hear me?" I heard Damian say
" Mmm..." I didnt want to get up
" Alex!!" I heard a yell
I oppened my eyes quickly to see the blue eyes of Damian staring into mine.
"Thank goodness! " I felt a hand behind my back and one on my stomach making me sit up.
He was sitting on my bed and pressed a warm wet wash cloth on my forehead.
" I will give you three words to remember alright? Boat chocolate spider. Repeat them please." He ordered while changing the side of the wash cloth.
" Boat chocolate spider." I repeated
" Good" he stroked my cheek with his other hand and I felt my face heat up.
Not now stupid dream!!!
" Ok now the bleeding stopped. Here hold my hand." He held my hand and I was paralized by my timidness. My face must be super red by now!! Hope he doesn't notice!!! He moved my hand to his shoulder.
" Squeeze to ease the pain ok?" He asked
I nodded
" haha Don't move your head buddy." He started stitching up the wound on my forehead.
It hurt!!
" Is it almost over?" I asked tears flowing down my eyes.
He looked me in the eye and for a moment I saw the look of a starving person eyeing a juicy meat. That quickly disapeared being replaced by a worried and empathizing look.
" Just one left budd. I know you can do this!" He said
When it was finally done I released his shoulder which I realised I had been squeezing really hard.
" S-sorry and thanks.." I said
" No problem! Wait im not quite done yet." He answered
After he had put a gauze around my head he cleaned up and came back.
" You should rest"
" Ya but I have a history essay due..."
" For when?" He asked
I herd the door close and started remembering the stupid wet dream again.
" Umm twomorrow..." I answered shakily feeling everything turn around me.
" Three words" he said
" ...what?" I asked lying down which somewhat helped soothe the dizzy feeling .
" The three words I made you memorize do you remember them?" He asked
I heard my lock click but didn't really pay attention to that.
" Boat...chocolate spider" i said
I heard a sigh
" Good you probably only have a minor concussion."
" ya..." I was about to fall asleep when I felt my bed sink from a weight being put on it.
" I could help you with that history essay..." Damian said stroking my cheek. I blushed
" Ya that would be really nice!" I exclaimmed sitting up once again to quickly. I almost fell forward but was caught by Damians chest.
I felt his minty break next to my ear.
" You think I am a nice person?" He chuckled
" umm yes?" I said
I felt his hands push me back a little so I could see his face.
He looked at me with a twisted expression. Evil eyes and a half smile made him look somewhat like an evil scientist. All shyness left from me, replaced by fear.
" You flatter me. But I am sorry to disapoint you. The cover of this book isnt what you get. Haha. I will do that essay for you." He said
" Really? But that is really nice!!" I insisted, maybe this was a weird joke..?
He leaned in next to my ear again.
" But for a price." He whispered
" umm what?" I asked
" Can you really afford to mess this up? Your parents told me about how you are failling history." He laughed again
" I think you don't have much of a choice. Espeacially with this." I felt his finger push on my freshly sown wound.
I jerked my head back making it hit the wall. Owww!
" Oww!" I cried out. It was really painfull
" Just listen to whatever I say for one day after this. Ok? If you dare tell a soul then youll really get it" he laughed pressing harder on my wound
" Ok!Ok! Please stop!!" I cried out feeling the wound open up slowly again.
He let go and I sighed relieved.
I looked back at his face to see all traces of madness disapear to be replaced with a genuine smile.
" So I take this is a research project? Need to go to the library?" He asked
" Y-yes.." I said still in shock
" Good! Come on over let's go. You can rest at the library. Wouldn't want to make your parents suspicious now would we?"
Hi! So there is the update!
Hope you liked it! So were you suprised like Alex? Or did you expect this turn of events?
Please tell me what you think!

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