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As Damian left this sinking feeling crept over me. I stared at my reflection in the washroom mirror. I felt as thought all the safest places I could go to had been stolen from me. The nurses office, school itself, my own bedroom in my house even the library. Damien knew all about these places. Heck even a bathroom stall couldn't protect me...
I stayed there staring at my reflection, green eyes staring back. I hated the look I saw in them. I wanted to say to the boy that looked beaten up and helpless to help himself. To run. Wait.....So should I run?

Surely it would worry my parents, but I could leave them a note to explain why and that I hadn't been kidnapped by some sicko that would cut me up in little pieces and throw me in the river. But I also had school to worry about, I didn't want to repeat this year and if I did that meant I would most probably be stuck in this school with Tristan whom endlessly repeated the year.
No I could not run. But maybe I could skip school for the day and buy some ice cream with my allowance. I nodded a smile slowly resurfacing on my upset face. I walked over to my locker carefully avoiding the teachers that roamed the halls to stock out any kid without a hall pass. The stupid school nurse had stolen mine. I managed to find my locker and shoved whatever book I had into my backpack. I then ran out of the school as thought I was being chased and ran as fast as I could through the parking lot.

I nearly had a heart attack as I heard the loud noise right next to me. I looked at the driver only to notice it was Damien. Just my luck. Adrenaline now pumping in my veins I kept running not turning around when I heard the "HEY!" Yell and not yielding to the threats that followed it until I heard

"I have your wallet dimwit."

I was almost clear of the parking lot and then turned around to see my green wallet with all my allowance in his large hand. Damien's menacing face slowly morphed into a sickly sweet smile that had shivers running up my spine.

"Were you planning to run without it?" He asked slowly walking towards me.

I quickly snapped out of my frozen stupor.

"Give it back!" I yelled angrily

"Answer my question, what were you doing skipping school like that Hun?" He asked again getting closer to me as I eyed the wallet. Did he call me Hun? No way...

"N-None of your stupid business you idiot!" I screamed beyond sick of him.

"Oh what a tone you choose to employ with me... That's not very nice, I am hurt babe."

"D-Don't call me t-that you a-asshole!"

I felt like I could do anything at that moment as I let my full plethora of emotions and feelings out. Fuck it, I couldn't get my money back then at least I could have the house to myself for a few hours. I started running again until I felt a hand grab the collar of my shirt. Dam it was he that close?!

"Now you listen you lil shit I won't have you running off and telling people what fricken happened today you got that?? I have my career on the line here." He snapped

"L-Lemme go!" I struggled to get out of his grip even ready to take my shirt off so I could get away. His grip only tightened.

"Fuck stop struggling you moron I know you are sick so calm down, your fever is making you act weird."

I stopped struggling as I felt nausea hit me again and I lurched forward almost falling. Damien caught me but next thing I knew I had been slung over his shoulder. I panicked internally ready to do anything so I could get out of his grasp.

"Sir is this your child?" I heard a low manly voice ask. I could recognize that voice anywhere! It was Luke the security guard of our school. If anyone could help me, he would.

"No actually I am currently residing at their house as a medical exchange student. I was in the area when I noticed he started running out of the school. He has a pretty bad fever so I was going to bring him back home so he could rest." Damien said his charming voice was back disarming even me.

"N-no I'm f-fine!" I protested

"Yes I heard that he has been missing from the nurses office. But still who are you?"

"As I said, I am currently residing at their house as an exchange student."

"Could I have some proof of this?" Luke asked

I couldn't see him but I could picture him crossing his arms over his buff chest.

"Of course. Here I will call Alex's parents. You seem to know them right? They will confirm my identity." Damien said taking a phone out.

Wait how did he know that Luke and my parents were close friends??

"Hello Sir it's Damien.........Yes I called to say your son has a fever and I was brining him back home.........Well he was running away from the school and I just so happened to be around..........It' no problem I assure you.....Actually the school security wanted to make sure I wasn't some stranger picking up Alex would you mind speak in to him for me.......Oh Alex is sort of out of it right now........Yes yes I agree it's good to know the school is strict on these rules.....Alright here he is" Damien said handing the telephone to Luke no doubt.

I heard the voices but didn't register their conversation.

"Here thank you for letting me speak to Rodger, you are clear to go. Take good care of Alex." Luke said before leaving me with Damien.

I was slung into the passenger side the car and the door was slammed shut next to me. Damien then quickly got into the other side. He sighed loudly. I looked at him worriedly, all the adrenaline and fearlessness gone as I felt the world turn around me.

"That was close, wasn't it gumdrop." He said with a crazed smile.

I shook in my seat feeling powerless and trapped as Damien drove off towards my house.

Hey guys! There is the update!
I hope you liked it! So what did you think? Do you believe Damien is angry?
What would you do if you were Alex?
Anyways, till next time!

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