And so it begins

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I walked under the strange moonlight and didn't know what I was seeing anymore. Call it sleep deprivation or allegory I was both lost and captivated by the sounds of the reassuring crickets and the soft whisper of the leaves rustling in the trees. It felt nice, to just walk, towards the moon lit skies around me.
I looked at the brusque city lights and the sound of the sprinklers nearly threw me off into a scared frenzy.
But I knew now, I couldn't quite trust Damian, but he must of had his own share of hurt.
I hate how rich this neighbourhood feels, so devoid of anything real. But I still walk through the parade of sprinkler jet and I do not mind if they wet me, not anymore. The wind blew through the trees and I felt a shiver go up my spine. It is clearly the time for sleep, as Damian so carelessly showed me with his intense snoring. As I walked I saw a scene as if I was watching it from afar.
It was Betty, Betty my long lost primary school best friend. She and I had been so close and everyone thought we were dating which I wouldn't have minded if only she would have stopped trying to kiss me all the time. She was walking with two men, they seemed pretty shady. But so did her first boyfriend. I will always remember that day
///// flashback ////////////
I was sitting on a bench at school dangling my short slim legs off the edge as I watched a group of ants go about dismantling a piece of food I had left there for them.
I looked up and saw, the most beautiful sight ever. My best friend Betty.
But she wasn't wearing her usual attire.
The normal scruffy hair had been replaced by silky shinny locks, her usual dirty face was now clean and with what seemed to be makeup. A hand bag was at her arm and she walked with an authority I had never seen before.
"Hey Betty!" I had said in my haste to greet her and comment on how lovely she looked. I of course had properly bathed and done as I had had to do before school.
As I had jumped, I avoided the little bugs running around under my feet.
I wanted to show her my new back pack, it had kittens on it. She had always loved kittens. That is when the heavy foot of the guy walking next to her stepped on the little pile of ants, wait that wasn't...
Just like that I had been hit in the face.
"Queer!!" I heard them yell
I was hit again but this time with a closed fist, that hurt very very much and I stumbled to my knees clutching my face.
I cried out in pain looking towards my supposed friend, whilst she just stood there, shaking and looking back at me.
All I could think before I blacked out was,
What had they done to her?!
\\\\\\ end of flashback...
I heard some yelling and fighting and saw it.
My best friend Betty, who then later insisted that I call her Elizabeth was struggling to get her purse back from two men. As per usual she was wearing her high heels and her jewel incrusted purse from her boyfriend. She was yelling, right across the street. And so I ran towards her pushing away the guys and putting an arm around her middle
"What do you want from my girlfriend??" I exclaimed
Despite the fact I was only slightly taller then her, they backed down and looked at each other.
"Who are you pipsqueak"
Think think think fast
"I am a very important person that you should rather not anger or do you want me to show you what I can do??" I exclaimed sounding quite angry and indignant
Apparently I could imitate my parents pretty well.
They then ran off when cop car sounds rang in the distance. I stared at their forms for quite a while before closing my eyes and letting out a sigh of relief.
I took my hand away from around her middle.
"I'm so sorry about all that, here is your purse.." I said handing her her cute hand bag.
"Who are you again?" She asked
"It's me Alex"
——POV CHANGE !!! Damian
There is no way!
Of course it is totally possible that he encountered friends honestly Damian
I do not care I really want him bad how long is this going to take??
You do not seem to grasp the concept of time, maybe he needs time to get used to you
Whatever I am going to go bug him
Sure little brother sounds like an "amazing idea"
I shut off my phone.
Thank goodness that was done. My brother had always been trying to curb what he thought were my deviant ways, he accepted I was gay thought, but he didn't approve of my way of going at it. So what if he didn't approve, I think I am really falling for this cutie and I can't help myself. He's just so cute giddy and downright playful at times.
I look over to see his bed seemingly empty.
Wait a second.
//////POV change—— Alex
I was sitting down and sighing softly. I couldn't believe it.
I finally got to see my long lost friend. She was sitting down next to me and looking around nervously.
"What's the matter?" I asked her
She looked back at me full of fear
I put my hand on her shoulder.
"It's okay, you can tell me" I said reassuringly
"Well..." she looked around
"Okay so basically Katy was telling me about this awesome party, do you know Katy? Anyways, she's the one dating Matthew now and so it ended up that I couldn't date him anymore. Because she and him had a better connection. But some of Matthew's friends decided that they wanted to hook up with me so they have been trying to slip things in my drink and stuff for hours. They are like progressive and dont mind switching girls around so I thought it might be fun but...." she looked down and clutched at the jagged ends of her torn mini skirt jeans.
"They...they tried to put something in my drink and I...I threw it out and confronted them. They got angry and....." she trailed off looking so hurt and injured it was literally tearing me up inside.
I then decided to give her a gentle hug, out of nowhere, for no reason, other then that she was crying.
Betty tensed up, still unsure of wether or not to trust me.
She was tense I could feel it and so slim almost slimmer then me, and so I hugged her harder, trying to give her love; hope, something gentle in her life. Then I heard rustling in the leaves.
———Damian POV!!!!!!!!
I need to go find him do I wake up his parents
No do not, absolutely not, that is a most horrible Idea
But how come? Doesn't he need help
You go find him Crumbles I am going to bed
Stop calling me crumbles
Yes whatever you say crumbles
I sighed rolling my eyes angrily. Why wasn't I allowed to be upset. I literally could not even be taken seriously by my own brother in this time of utmost need. I got up and stalked the room a bit before I sighed and tried my hardest to be exceedingly quiet and agile, which I am good at but that little weasel is way better than I am. He is so smart too and cute.
Alright I must go find him
;;;;;;;;;POV change Daemon Azazel
I couldn't believe it, two little angels right there for the taking. I would have to smooth talk them of course. But it couldn't be too hard. When both my henchmen told me that I should go seek out these pure souls, of course I listened. I was watching from the bushes but being the clumsy Incubus that I was it was hard for me to resist the urge to move towards those two lovely creatures of the night. I cleared my throat as I noticed them notice me and walked forth towards them.
"Hello dearies how are you both tonight" I said happily
The one with the beautiful short hair moved away from the one with the long auburn hair and stared me straight in the eye so intensely I felt my near close to undead heart skip a beat.
"I-I cannot believe this..." the little one said happily
"Axel it's you!!" The cute red haired woman said
And then I remembered
"Of course Betty! It's been so long! Come give me a hug!" I exclaimed happily
I had to lean down in order to wrap both my arms around her.
The boy sat there calmly and stared at me without a smile before standing up.
Wait no way!
"Alex is that you??" I exclaimed happily before quickly hugging the small blonde child, I was often the largest one in school but I knew how to cope properly.
"Yes it's me" he said sweetly and kindly to a fault
——- Alex POV
I didn't like this, I didn't like this one bit. Why would she hug him, I could feel his gross stare looking at me, it was unbelievable
"You've changed since middle school" I lied while staring him straight in the eyes and feeling unwavering
"You've become quite...stunning it seems" Axel said with an arm around my best friends slim shoulder
That's when I felt it before it could even arrive. It was Damien's his cold intense prescience I could feel radiate all around me right before he put his hand on my shoulder. A shudder went down my spine.
"Hello." Damian said to Axel while squeezing my shoulder harder
Axel had bright green eyes and dark blonde hair as opposed to my light hair.
"What are you doing here Axel" Damian said and I could see fear suddenly radiate through him, he took his hand off her shoulder and left just like that.
What had just happened..???
Hey guys this is Fluffyduffee!
Long time no see yeah ?
Looking forward to writing for you again soon as soon as inspiration strikes me.
—- till then!
~Fluffyduffee ~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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