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"I found this garage sell, it might be fun." Myka chuckled and grabbed her purse, no doubt just looking for a boy her age that happened to be around. Jenna, or, nanna, caught this. Glaring at her.

"Buy something useful this time Myka. Don't use your paycheck on some guy." Y/n couldn't help but laugh a little, Nanna was an honest woman. No matter to who. "I won't Nanna." Myka scoffed and shoved her phone into her purse.

"Don't lie to me. And Y/n? Get me some plates if they have any," Jenna said smiling at her favorite nephew. Y/n smiled back, secretly looking to see if his sister was watching. She was. "Now go on! Be careful!" Jenna said watching the kids leave out the door.

Once out the door, and yard of their house. Myka shoved her brother and scoffed "you're such a suck-up." Y/n rolled his eyes and shoved her back. This could be seen as playful siblings, but it was more. So much more.

"I don't need to suck up." Myka glared at him but didn't say anything. She didn't need to, her point of being angry was clear.

They arrived.

It was small, not a lot of things but enough. Myka went around, leaving her brother to venter off into the unknown world of cheap things from the 80s that happened to be in this women's house.

Looking around, there wasn't much. A few decorations that seemed to be nice enough to put up in a kitchen, a few cups with corny messages that you would buy for 2 dollars tops. Some table cloths, the usual things.

Then there was the doll. An old-looking good guy doll. Nanna had said she owned one a long time ago when they first came out. But she had gotten rid of it because it was 'creepy'.

Who's to blame her, when it supposedly looked like that.

"I didn't take you for a doll person
Y/n." The woman said looking from the boy to the doll, Y/n shook his head "I'm not. I was just looking." He says almost in defense of himself. The women chuckles. "20 bucks," she says and gives him a look.

"No thank you." He says and attempts to walk away, the lady shrugs. Then someone walks up, someone Y/n vaguely remembers seeing in school. "Retro, meaning it's only 10." He's like a salesman. "Well, at least he didn't want it." The woman says and looks to Y/n. Now looking at Jake.

"Are the one who's building that sculpture?" Y/n had heard of it from Junior, well he –overheard the conversation between him and his girlfriend Lexy. Jake nodded, looking a little awkward "It sounds cool," I'm like a robot or something, that's what y/n pictures himself to sound like.

Jake nods again, smiling a little. "You could uh...come to look at it when it's done..." Y/n smiles back and nods, happily. "That'll be nice. Maybe I could take photos of it." It was like a profession at this point, truly a businessman.

Jake chuckled and tucked the good guy doll underneath his arm, Y/n smiled at him, watching him walk away assumingly back to his house. He looked back to the lady, who was giving him a knowing smile.

Maybe be a little more subtle next time.

Life's a bitch [ Jake Wheeler x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now