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Y/n POV :

Junior's house was huge, bigger than I had thought it would be. I didn't want to go inside while Jake got his things together, so I waited outside on the porch. Jake's uncle, I have no idea what his name is, waited outside with me. For some reason he started to go on and on about sports, as if someone like me looked like I had any interest.

I don't want to be rude so I just listened anyway, I really didn't mind. But it didn't take long for Jake to come back outside. "You ready to go?" I asked. Jake nodded and smiled awkwardly at his uncle. "You're going to have to tell me more about your medals Mr Wheeler, I really enjoyed the stories." Jake's uncle smiled and nodded, "I definitely will."

After Jake had said goodbye, me and him went down the stairs and started walking to my house. We stayed silent most of the time, I didn't really know how to make conversation with someone like Jake. Not like he had anything to do with it, but I was still thinking about how he acted before. I'm not one to pry on people's lives, but the way he acted about that doll was so unusual.

"Did you hear me?" I snapped out of my thoughts, I didn't even notice he was talking. "What?" I asked completely oblivious to what he had said, he kind of rolled his eyes but kept his smile. "I was asking how far away your house is," he repeated.

"Oh- right," I laughed a little "it's not too far away maybe a block now," I said looking at the sign on the side of the road. Jake nodded, "I didn't realize your house was so close to Juniors," he said rubbed the back of his neck. I had to agree with that, well it's not like I ever knew what Junior's house looked like anyway.

"Can I ask you a question Jake?"

"Yeah I guess so..."

"What did you mean?"


"At the party...when you said that Lexy couldn't get away with it."

Jake stayed silent. Now turning his attention to the ground, I really didn't want to push on it, it was quite literally none of my business what Jake wanted to do or what he was thinking of doing. But I wanted to get to know him better, I wanted to know what he actually was like. He could very well be a psychopath who thinks that dolls are alive and wants to kill people-

"Nothing. I was just...talking in the moment."

That's probably the best answer I'm going to get, and it was an answer I didn't mind getting. Everybody talks out of their ass from time to time, especially when they do something that's fucked up as she did.

"That makes sense." I said before gluing my mouth shut. There was no need to talk about it anymore, the only need here, cuz I need to get to my house before we get murdered on Halloween night. Wouldn't that be a coincidence.


When we got to my house I had to get the key from under the doormat, my costume of course was a suit but for some reason I didn't have any pockets. That'll teach me for getting something from my aunt.

When I open my door it was pretty unexpected to see my sister sitting on the couch, she was curled up next to some guy I swear I'd never seen in this town before. "Finally home?" She said noticing that the door was open, she looked away from whatever movie they were watching and looked over at me. "Who are you." Myka I said not even hiding the fact that she wasn't interested.

"I'm Jake." I had to stop this before it was going to get too awkward, I know what she would have said next if she had the chance. "He's staying the night," I said quickly. Myka rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the TV, whoever that guy was wrapped his arm around her tighter. He looked honestly a little bit older than her, but she was technically an adult so I couldn't say anything.

Life's a bitch [ Jake Wheeler x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now