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This chapter is all about denial, so please sit back and read as Y/n loses his mind :)

This couldn't be happening, everything in Y/n's life was now being questioned. Maybe it was a bad dream, yes that's it. When he wakes up he'll be back home with his sister yelling at him to wake up for school, yes, that's all it is.

"Y/n!" He could hear someone calling out to him, but he didn't snap our of those thoughts, it wasn't like he didn't care, it was more of a 'oh my god my whole life is a lie.' more of thing.

"I….I have to go…" He said, surprising himself that he could still form the words. "What-" before anyone could question him or decide to pull him back into their unnerving theories on what the hell was going on in front of them, he started to walk away. Ignoring his friends calling him back, ignoring the pain from the burns he had.

The burns. Chucky. He must have started that fire like Lexi said. Or was it Devon? His memories were all messed up, all over the place.

Once he got back to his room, he was glad to see that his father was there. "Y/n-" He stopped his father from speaking "We have to go," he said suddenly. His father was taken back by this, "Son, your still not well." he muttered and tried to cox his son into the bed.

Y/n shook his head, thinking of a reason he could give. "I think...I think going home will make me feel better…." he said quickly "In my own bed you know…." he looked to see his father's worried expression. He sighed and nodded "Alright. But tomorrow I'm calling a doctor for some medicine and check ups," he says.

Y/n nodded, at this point he didn't care of the doctor wanted to move in! He just wanted to leave this stupid hospital! And never look back to his crazy friends and crazy imagination.


Home. Finally.

"Im surprised Mom let me come home," Y/n muttered, holding onto his father as he put him into bed. Michael sighed and nodded "She's not happy, bur leave it to me son. I'll take care of her." he said and propped the pillows up.

"The doctor on staff said that you should be able to walk really well soon, it'll still hurt but walking won't be a problem." he further explained. Y/n nodded and carefully moved his leg under the covers.



"Im grounded aren't I?"

Michael laughed quickly and kissed his son's head softly. "Like you won't believe." Y/n found comfort in that sentence, usually he would be upset and beg for the punishment to be simple, like staying in his room or having to give up his phone. But right now he wanted nothing more than to be behind closed doors.

After Michael had left the room, he has closed the door and left Y/n alone to think about this thoughts. Maybe it wasn't such a good thing considering...you know... but how was a 49 year old man supposed to know or understand that.

Y/n looked over to his phone, surprised that his mother didn't force it away from him when he wasn't looking. He opened his screen and cringed seeing the amount of messages from Jake and Devon.

"Y/n please answer"

"I know it's hard for you to believe, but please"

"He's the cause of all this Y/n"

"Please just text me back"

"I get that your angry, but we need to talk"

They're acting as if this whole thing is real, as if some short haired orange doll with overalls was real and was killing people. It wasn't true. Oh please, this is some sick joke on him! Some sick joke that only assholes would pull!

If Y/n didn't believe little creeks in the night we're ghosts, then he surely didn't believe some killer doll.

Life's a bitch [ Jake Wheeler x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now