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Episode 2
At school

Y/n couldn't believe it. He had heard about Jakes dad, he didn't know how he died, it was of course personal and it would be rude to ask. He had talked to Devon about it, asking if he knew what happened or if Jake was going to come back.

A couple days later, Jake finally came back to school. Y/n knew he should give him some space, he looked like he needed it, but he couldn't help but want to talk to him, hopefully tell him that he was there for him no matter what.

"Should I talk to him?" Y/n asked, walking along with Devon. He shrugged, "Yeah," he said and smiled a little. "I was able to talk to him some today," Y/n nodded, taking a breath. Why was he so nervous. "Is he coming to the party?" He asked.

Devon nodded. "I think so, i asked him to." He said. Y/n nodded "Okay good." He said and thought about it. "Dev...you and Jake aren't...you know?" I asked. Devon blushed and shook his head "Uhm, no..." He chuckled.

Y/n nodded. "Just wanted to make sure," Devon laughed a little. "Don't worry about it, I'd probably ask to." He admitted.


"Where's dad?" Y/n asked his aunt, she sighed and stopped putting the makeup on his face. "I don't know dear, probably wherever he goes when work gets hard." She moved his face to the side. "That or he doesn't want to see his son in makeup," y/n muttered.

Jenna frowned "You know he supports you honey, he's just working hard." Y/n nodded, not wanting to further on the conversation about it.

"I'm so happy your putting this suit to good use," Jenna said finishing the makeup. "I always loved that movie, The Mask," she mumbled fondly. "Jim Carrey sure is one of a kind," she winked.

Y/n rolled his eyes smiling, "I know, you have every movie he's been in." He said and got up, looking into the hallway mirror. Jenna chuckled and patted his shoulder. "Oh! I found something i assumed you would like," she said and took off down the hall to her bedroom.

Y/n waited, fixing his tie before watching her come back. She had her hand behind her back, "I went down to this store, kind of uh...old things store." She shrugged. Y/n raised his brow, now turning his full attention to her.

She smirked and pull out a box. Y/n looked at the box for a second before smiling widely. It was a box filled with small gems stones. "I know your strange obsession with gems and things," she laughed. Y/n took the box.

"This is so cool," he said softly, he looked them over than hummed. "I already have that one," he joked. Jenna rolled her eyes and shove show shoulder playfully "Go on you weirdo, the party's gonna start soon."

Y/n snickered and nodded "Alright alright," he said and went to his room, putting the box down on his old dresser. "Do you want me to drive you? Or is that to embarrassing?" Jenna asked leaning against the doorway.

Y/n scoffed a laugh. "I'm okay, Oliver's house isn't that far away." He said giving her a smile. Jenna frowned a little "Your to kind, acting as if i have better things to do." She laughed. Y/n shrugged "Alright Y/n, have fun then."


At the Halloween party :

"Glad you could make it," Devon said admiring his friends costume. Y/n smiled and nodded "Did Jake show up yet?" He asked, Devon sighed "He said he wasn't coming," he trailed off "wouldn't tell me why though."

Y/n hummed sadly. Then they heard him, as if he was right on cue. As if he was apart of some tv show with a script saying this was the moment to come out-  nevermind, off topic.

"Jake! You made it," Devon said noticing the boy, Y/n turned to Jake. "Jake-" the boy stopped him, looking like he was about to pass out "Where's Lexy?" He asked frantically. Y/n and Devon looked at each other, "Uh- I don't know..." Y/n shrugged. Devon asked "Why?"

"Don't worry about," Jake said and started to walk away, Y/n followed after him "Jake? Is everything okay?" He asked. Jake nodded quickly, but it was definitely unbelievable. "Where's Lexy?" He asked Oliver. Oliver pointed to a closet, Y/n knew what he was planning.

But obviously Jake didn't. Seeing as he followed straight into the closet. Y/n followed, half hoping to be able to drag out him out of the closet of hell, also half hoping Jake would tell him what the hell was going on.

"Jake wait-"

And so they were closed into a dark closet. Back in the closet Y/n how ironic. Jake pounded on the door, telling Oliver and the others outside to let them out. Y/n touched his shoulder, not meaning to scare him.

Jake whipped around, looking at Y/n as if he just stabbed him. Y/n had his phone flashlight on, careful not to shine it in Jake eyes he moved it to the side. "What's going on Jake?" He asked softly.

Jake shook his head. "Nothing, just uh...." He scrambled to find an excuse for his actions. "You can tell me," Y/n offered a smile, one he usually used when talking to younger cousins. Of course this wasn't a way to make him feel more powerless.

Jake sighed. "You wouldn't belive me," he muttered. He then looked around, trying to find a way out? Maybe. Jake's eyes landed on a pair of dolls feet, his eyes went wide and he practically dove to the doll.

"Stop messing with my friends!" He yelled and grabbed it from under the coats. Just a regular doll, a hockey one in fact. Y/n found help but think that was weird. Not that he would say anything for laugh at Jake, but he found it a bit concerning.

"Please Jake, just tell me whats going on." He said asked, this time holding onto Jakes shoulders so he would look at him. "i know we don't know each other very well, but you can trust me." They stared at each other for a second, Jake was probably teyinf to figure out if he should tell Y/n about whatever the hell he was freaking out about.

"It's.... Chucky..." Jake said quietly. Y/n raised his brow, "Your doll?" He asked. Jake nodded and sighed "Look i know it's crazy, and you probably gonna...call me insane, but-" he paused and looked away from
Y/n's gaze. "He's alive. And not just with battery's or whatever, he's here, walking around like a person," he explained.

Y/n needed to fight the urge to argue about this. Yes Jake didn't seem like the type to lie about this kind of thing, and he seemed really freaked out about this whole thing. But at the same time, a doll? Walking around like a person? That's insane. It's a bad plot to a horror movie. It's fake. But Y/n wasn't going to put that out there, he has promised to understand Jake and belive him no matter what. Maybe he should have specified what he belived in and what he doesn't believe in.

This is a strange Halloween indeed.

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