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It was pointless to deny the obvious fact that what they were saying was true. That there was indeed a possessed doll that killed people, and that Y/n (for some reason) was a part of it now. No matter how hard he tried to ignore the messages from his friends about the situation, they couldn't leave him alone.

"Y/n, you need to get out of the house." Michael said sighing at his son. It was becoming a slight problem for Y/ns mom, seeing as she had a hard time even looking at her son without thinking about the fire and the hospital. "I don't have anywhere to go." he muttered and closed his laptop, his father thought for a second before shrugging his shoulders "Hang out with those friends of yours, just please Y/n, get out of the house for a little bit." he said and left the room.

Y/n sighed and looked at his phone, it was honestly a tie between getting in the middle of a battel with a weird killer doll and fighting with a woman who wanted you to leave before she murdered you herself. Honestly, fighting a small doll couldn't be that hard, however fighting a tall woman was terrifying.


"Y/n, it's good to see you." Jake said softly, Y/n blushed softly and nodded. "Okay lovebird's, we need to talk about Chucky." Lexy said pushing past their tension. Devon nodded in agreement "Junior is starting to get suspicious," Lexy muttered "And he's been in a really bad place right now, so im kind of worried he might be the next victim." she explained.

"We need to go over to his house, make a trap." Devon said and sighed. "A trap?" Y/n asked, this was getting to be a weird episode of Scooby Doo, what's next a talking dog? "Yeah," Jake muttered "Devon has it all planned out, so we just need to make it."


Once they were done making the Scooby Doo of a plan, Y/n sat down on the stairs needing to take a break before continuing, Jake soon joined him, sitting down next to him. "Are your burns feeling any better?" he asked softly. Y/n smiled and nodded "Yeah, it doesn't hurt as much to move as before." he chuckled "Good now since I'll probably have to run," Jake laughed softly. "Thanks for coming, the more people the better." he muttered.

Y/n nodded, "Yeah, definitely." he said and took a breath before standing up. "Try not to die, okay? I like you a lot." he said and took off walking to find the others, Jake blushed and nodded "Yeah, uhm, same for you." he watched Y/n walk off to help the others with the wire trap.

Life's a bitch [ Jake Wheeler x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now