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Y/n's eyes open, but quickly closed when he got blinded by the bright lights above him. He groaned and tried to move away but stopped. "Don't move to much. Your hurt," Y/n wanted to laugh, what was his mom doing here?

"What-" he tried to open his eyes again. "Mom?" She gave me a look of both relief and anger. "You told me you were going to a friend house Y/n" she said crossing her arms. "Now's not that time Sophia." Thank God
Jenna is here.

"Then when is it." Sophia scoffed and looked at her son. "You have burns on your left arm and leg. Nothing serious. Just burns that need healing over a couple months." She said, Y/n knew that she was resisting the urge to smack all of those burns.

"Go Sophia." Jenna said getting up off of the chair in the corner. She looks like her sister and furrowed her brows. Sophia scoffed loudly, offended by her sister. "Fine." She said and left. Jenna sighed "Not mother of the year again I see." She muttered not meaning for Y/n to over hear.

"Im glad your alright Y/n," she said and softly sat on the bed. Y/n winced and nodded. "I sorry-" Jenna shook her head "You don't need to say sorry honey. It's not your fault." She said and rubbed his unburned arm softly.

"Your a teenager. Your mother should have suspected you were lying." She laughed a little, "I'm not mad, I'm kinda proud." She joked. Y/n laughed a little "Where are the other people? Are they okay?" He asked.

Jenna nodded. "Yes, someone was here a little while ago. Some boy named Jake?" Y/n blushed a little and nodded "Yeah, he's a good friend." He muttered, ignoring her now smug look. "You better go find them, I'll stay here for when you come back." She said and grabbed her phone out of her pocket.

Y/n nodded and got up carefully, thankful he didn't have that hospital gown on. That would be very embarrassing.

He stretched and looked at his arm and leg. They were all wrapped up, and they felt hot, painful to move. "You were pretty close to that fire
Y/n," Jenna muttered "Your lucky those things are gonna heal." Y/n shook his head and got off of his bed.

"I'll be back." He said and carefully walked outside the room. He looked over and saw Devon and Lexy talking in the hallway. "Y/n!" Oh shoot- she noticed him. "Come here. We need to talk about something." Devon said waving him over.

Y/n nodded and sighed, walking over. "Woah-" Y/n nodded and chuckled "I guess I was closer to it," he shrugged. Devon shook his head after a second "Y/n, Lexy was telling me who set the fire." He said quietly.

Y/n's eyes widened "Yeah? Who?" He asked, the endless possibilities of who could have done it went through his mind. "It was....the doll." Lexy said, she seemed to want to bite back her words. Y/n laughed a little, "The doll? You mean Jakes doll?"

"I know it seems unbelievable, but just here us out." Lexy said pulling Y/n into an empty room. Y/n winced and pulled his arm away as soon as they got into the room.

"It's not possible. Tell me you aren't believing this Dev," y/n said looking at the two. This wasn't possible, it was a doll, a doll that had no possible way to be real and alive like a human.

"Tell him about the legend thing," Lexy muttered and shoved Devon forward. Devon sighed "We think, that maybe Chucky is Charles Lee Ray," Y/n shook his head but didn't say anything, allowing Devon to continue.

"All of it adds up, the new murders, the house fire," Devon said and looked down. Knowing full well that Y/n wasn't believing a word he was saying. "Please Y/n, you have to believe us." Lexy said catching on.

Y/n shook his head "No way. Guys I can't believe something like this!" He said and sat down on the bed. "It killed Oliver," Lexy said suddenly. Y/n looked up at her and sighed "I was there. But I didn't see any doll."

"Wait, you were there? What do you mean?" Devon asked. Y/n pointed to his burns "I was with him on the second floor, I saw he was dead." They went quiet, Lexy muttered an "oh," but nothing else.

All of a sudden an alarm went off. The three of them rushed out into the hallway to see where that sound was coming from.

They went to where Lexi's sister was and gasped, seeing the people around them rushing inside. Lexi thought it had something to do with her sister, but then Jake arrived.

He gasped and pointed inside, they all looked over and saw Chucky. He looked burned alive, I'm fact he was. Y/n got the memo and looked over to the doll, who was now...holding up a middle finger.

Y/ns eyes widened. This isn't real. It isn't, it's all a bad dream on which reality is no more. Y/n wanted to faint but he couldn't, he wouldn't also. "Holy shit." he muttered seemingly to no one.

ok ok, I know this is bad and it's not really following the full plot, but I have to admit I don't remember a lot from the scenes, so this is all your getting lmao.

Life's a bitch [ Jake Wheeler x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now