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A/n : I admit that this chapter is all over the place, and i kinda hate it, but here you go :)

Y/n was undoubtedly excited to ask Jake about the sculpture. It fascinated him when he had heard about it from Junior. He hoped it was to much to adk about, even though Y/n was normally the quiet kid who only talked when spoken to, when excited he could talk and talk for days.

Y/n sat down at his usual table, waiting for Jake. Somewhat wondering if he wasn't going to sit with him, but that changed when Jske finally made his way to the table, sitting down across from Y/n.

"Hey Jake." Y/n greeted. Jake smiled and muttered a small "hey" before putting his phone on the table. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but how's that sculpture coming along?" He asked picking at his food.

Jake's smile faded, he looked down "Uh....it's good..." Y/n furrowed his brows, "I'm sorry, i didn't mean-" Jake stopped him and laughed a little. "It's okay, really." He said and gave him a kind expression.

Y/n nodded, feeling a little bit better. "Are you going to the talent show?" Jake nodded, "Yeah, i guess." Y/n nodded and awkward stayed silent. It shouldn't be this awkward.

"Why did you bring the doll to school?" He finally spoke, Jake shrugged "It's worth a lot off money, i was hoping to sell it." He admitted. Y/n nodded, "It's kinda.... creepy," Y/n muttered earning a laugh from Jake.

"Yeah," he agreed. Y/n blushed from embarrassment and looked away. "Not that im afraid if dolls," he added making sure to nit only clarify that fir Jake, but to himself. Jake laughed again, this time more quietly.

"Im serious, I'm not scared of it...it's just creepy...." Jake raised his eyebrow, nodding as if he belived anything the h/c boy was saying. "Sure." He said and looked at his phone, picking it up and checking something.

"You listen to Devon's pod cast? So do i," Y/n was practically begging for at least an on going conversation, at least a few replies long. "I personally find the thing about Charles Lee Ray interesting," he said gaining another smile out of Jake.

Jake nodded and put his phone aside. Y/n took this as a note. 'Jake doesn't talk much'. "I'm sorry i talk alot," Y/n said nervously, Jake shook his head. "It's okay, I'm uh....more of the listener than a talker." Y/n was relieved to hear that, "Well that's a relief, seeing as i thought this conversation was going no where," he chuckled.

Just the right time for the bell to ring. Lunch was over, sadly. Jake sighed and shoved his phone into his pocket, looking at Y/n before getting up. "I'll see you later,?" He said more if a question. Y/n nodded. "See you around Jake."


( Talent Show )

Y/n picked a place, sitting almost near the front. He watched the students come up on stage, most of them seemed awkward, as if their parents told them to go without their knowledge.

Then there was Devon. He was amazing at the piano, surprisingly. It made Y/n smile, seeing his friend act as if it was a classical music talent show was amusing.

Then afterwards, Lexy came in, with her blue heeled boots and talked into the microphone. Y/n honestly tuned it out, not paying attention until he heard her say something about Jake and Devon. Did they like each other? Maybe? He wasn't sure.

"Lexy, Lexy," her name dragged out, the crowed looked around, who could it be. Why did they have such a deep voice? "What's going on?" A voice muttered from beside Y/n, a classmate, no idea who it was, but Y/n shrugged and looked around once again.

Jake soon went up to the stage, holding Chucky. He pushed passed Lexy softly and put Chucky to the microphone. "Hi, i'm Chucky." Y/n raised his eyebrow, confused on how Jake was talking like he was, he sounded older, much much older.

The more the 'show' went on, the more Y/n started to realize that something wasn't right. And it wasn't the laughing at Lexys history on her phone, it was more of a, 'i didn't know Jake hated her this much,' feeling.

Everyone hated Lexy to a point, Y/n couldn't say he found her annoying to the point of looking at her phone history, but she was definitely up there. "It's contagious isn't it?" The 'doll' said, somehow smiling at the audience. "Laughing at people." He continued.

Y/n couldn't help but feel called out, as if him laughing at Lexys aparent pokemon porn addiction was bad. She didn't deserve this, right? She was a human being to. Supposedly.

Jake was then taken off of the stage, his doll yelling at the crowd about being 'assholes' was something they laughed at. It was part of the show. But even though
Y/n was a 'skeptic' as people called him, something about this wasn't right. Something about that doll wasn't right.

Life's a bitch [ Jake Wheeler x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now