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( Jake's POV )

"Try not to die, okay? I like you a lot." The words swirled inside of my head like a title wave, I felt as if I was reliving my first crush. This was stupid, getting so happy about this, he more than likely didn't mean it in a romantic way; but I couldn't help but feel happy and..... excited inside, knowing that he felt this way.

I got up off of the stairs, watching my friends continue to make the traps. Devon seemed to be very focused, while Lexy was looking around for flash lights in case the power went out. Though, I didn't see Y/n. He was probably going to the bathroom, or looking for things as well.

But there was a feeling, a feeling of worry. Something was off. "Hey Jake? Have you seen Y/n I can't seem to find him anywhere." He was just here, just taking to me about things. Where could he have gone so quick. "No...maybe he's just taking a break somewhere." Devon nodded, seeming to be alright with this answer.

Then....just then, the lights went out.

Jake didn't want to openly admit to it, bur he was afraid of that darkness. Probably because he wondering if a certain someone was behind it. Lexy came rushing in with a flashlight in hand. "What the hell!" She muttered turning it on quickly.

"Let's hope these work," Devon muttered under his breath, carefully taking a step on the stairs. I followed, along with Lexy, none of us wanting to leave each other behind, or be behind in general. "We need to find Y/n." Lexy said, a hint of worry in her voice.

We looked around the large hallway. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. "Y/n? Where are you!" Lexy whisper yelled, going forward against her better judgement. Devon grabbed her arm, holding her in place. Me and Lexy both looked at him weirdly, but then we heard it.

The sound of soft laughter, it was demonic laughter of course, but it was so soft and quiet. "What the hell." I muttered looking around quickly. Lexy shushed me before pulling her arm away from Devon, going to check out the noise.

She opened one of the bedroom doors, gasping softly at the sight in front of her. "Y/n?" Me and Devon quickly opened the door, coming in to see what she was talking about. Sure enough there he was, laying on the floor.

I quickly rushed to check if he was ok, touching his neck for a pulse. I sighed in relief when I felt a strong pulse. "He's alive," Lexy and Devon quickly sighed as well, Lexy came over and looked him over. "He isn't....hurt..." She mumbled.

"Did he pass out?" I asked. Devon shook his head "No, he couldn't have." He muttered moving Lexy aside softly. "Well we would have heard him scream or something if he had seen that doll." She crossed her arms.

( No one's POV )

Devon shook his head, "No we wouldn't, when Y/n is scared he passes out. No screams or anything, just passes out." Jake sighed worryingly and softly tapped Y/n's cheek, trying to wake him up.

"Maybe you wake him up with a kiss," Lexy joked pushing Jake aside to smack Y/n. Jake rolled his eyes and watched as she literally bitch slapped him. Y/n's eyes opened wide, he quickly sat up and looked around.

Jake smiled widely and quickly hugged him, Y/n blushed and hugged him back awkwardly. "Ok, we need to find this doll guys." Devon muttered closing the door so they could whisper.

Lexy nodded "That son of a bitch is going down."

Life's a bitch [ Jake Wheeler x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now