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A/N: This is still episode 1 btw, I'm just not good with making long chapters. (I'll tell you when it changes episodes :))

Y/n woke up to the sound of his alarm, buzzing violently as if it was an emergency to wake up at 6 in the morning. He sighed and turned it off, turning to his side for a minute or so before finally deciding to get up.

Getting dressed was easy, seeing as Y/n always set his clothes out the night before. A grey sweater, a little big for him but it was on sale, and dark blue jeans. Shoes were the same, f/c was always the go to.

"Kiddos! I and your mom are leaving!" Michael called out from the kitchen, it was nice he let them know when they were leaving. Y/n heard the front door open and close moments after, assuming they were now gone and on the way to work.

"It's almost time for school!" Jenna called, tiredness still in her voice. Y/n grabbed his fully charged phone and headed out his room, closing the door behind him. He went to the kitchen and snickered seeing Jenna, she didn't bother to get ready, so she still had some face mask on, along with a towel on her head.

"I take it you're not taking him to school?" Myka asked coming into the room. Jenna sighed "It's only a block away, he can walk..." She paused and looked to her nephew "Of course I can take you if you don't want to walk," she added smiling. Thought Y/n knew she didn't want to.

"I'm okay," Y/n said and he looked to the clock on the stove, he was going to be late if he didn't get a move on. "I'll see you guys later," he said and waved to them, leaving to grab his book bag before going out the door. Jenna sighed and turned back to her coffee maker, wishing the day was over already.


Y/n shoved his unwanted things into his locker, sighing in relief when they didn't come crashing back out at him. He closed the locker and looked around, it was almost time for class. Then he saw him, the guy from the garage sale.

He was talking to Junior. And Lexy. How nice. Is that the doll he bought? I wonder why he's carrying it at school. Y/n figures he should ignore it, who is he to judge what someone does with their objects.


Y/n looked down at the frog in front of him, saddened a little by it. M.s Fairchild meant no harm, but Y/n knew it would be difficult to look at the frog, let alone cut it open and kill it.

As he was about to cut it, all be it, he was about to throw up, he stopped when his phone went off. He curiously pulled it out, after seeing everyone else pull theirs out, and looked at his notifications.

A go fund me.

For Jake? And Chucky.....?

"What is going on?" M.s F took Oliver's phone and looked at the screen, a photo of Jake Wheeler and his doll was shown. 'help Jake and Chucky!' pathetic really. It was a cheap bullying tactic that seemed unreal.

He looked over at Jake, ignoring whatever happened to his fro and frowned. He looked confused, traumatized, annoyed. Every possible emotional someone could have at that moment. However,r he didn't say anything.

And just like that, t the moment was over, the bell rang and everyone pilled out of the classroom. Of course nit without shoving Jake down and calling him names. Y/n helped him up and gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry for that," he apologized even though he had nothing to do with it.

"It's fine." Jake muttered and grabbed his doll off the ground, "Jake?" Y/n said softly, "You wanna sit with me at lunch? I usually have no one else to sit with me," he asked embarrassed he admitted that. Jake gave him a strange look, debating if it was a prank on him or not.

He nodded after a little bit, turning his attention to the teacher. And Y/n took that as his cue to leave the room, smiling a little. Somewhat pathetic, but he didn't mind it.

Life's a bitch [ Jake Wheeler x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now