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Spamton laid in the garbage as he sighed, looking into the night sky. Despite it happening so long ago, he could only remember Pink looking for him.

The truth was, he was hiding from him. He couldn't handle his own best friend at that moment, and feared he would of been rejected from him as well.

It hurt him to do so, but he couldn't move from his spot. He didn't want to.

Spamton sighed, possibly unable to ever understand what he was going to say. After all, it's been a long time. A year perhaps since it all? Possibly. He doesn't know since this place literally has no day and night cycle.

He looked at the sky more with his thoughts roaming, as he felt a gentle tap of a rain droplet fall into his nose.

He gulped.

"Oh come on... Rain?" Spamton said in annoyance as that seemed to just drop another droplet onto him.

Theeeen an entire pour as he got absolutely soaked.

He scowled, grateful that at least his jacket was leather to reflect the rain, but also hating it for it's terrible temperature measurement; always being too hot or cold.

He started to shiver.

Spamton really didn't want to sleep in a soaked garbage can, especially since wet garbage makes it 10x worse the stench.

Groaning from his terrible luck, he got out of the trash can, stretching his legs and arms.

He sighed as he felt cold and wet. So, so terrible.

Despite it though, it would be nice to find a different spot to look for rest instead of garbage.

He closed the jacket around him tightly, wishing it had a hood on it to protect him from the rain as he walked the sidewalk.

He was mainly looking down so no rain from his hair could affect his eyes.

He walked for not long as he hummed. He might hate the rain, but he had to admit, it was so peaceful to listen to.

It was like a lovely melody o-*Bump!

Spamton jumped back in surprise as he looked up, waving his hands around like crazy.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know where I was [[Heading around town]]."

The person seemed to freeze as they were still turned around.

"...That voice..."

Spamton froze as well. He recognized that voice.

"..." "..."

The man turned around as Spamton gulped. He was right.

The Pink Addison. His old best friend.

Pink seemed to looked surprised, fully turned around to face Spamton.

They seemed to have a moment of just staring as the rain poured off Pink's umbrella.

"...Spamton, is that really you?"

Spamton was immediately nervous, gulping as he shivered more. Cold and nervous, great.

"W-Well, Uh, I-I'm going to g-go!!-"

Spamton immediately turned but was too late, Pink grabbing his arm as he yelped.

"Spamton... Don't run away from me. Not again..."

Spamton stopped trying to get his hand off hearing his sooth, calming voice. His voice really never did change, did it?

Spamton just sighed, accepting defeat as he turned anxiously to Pink.

"Y...Yes, Pink. It's me... Spamton."

Pink actually went from surprised to a gentle smile, bringing Spamton under the umbrella as he held his shoulders.

"Spamton... It's been so, so long... I'm happy you're okay!"

Spamton looked at him confused. "Y...You are?" "Spamton, of course I am... I am your best friend after all."

Spamton and him began walking together under the umbrella as Pink hummed.

"But... But I'm surprised you still call me that, Pink... Despite everything..."

Pink gently pat his shoulder as he spoke.

"Spamton, I knew what you were under. I knew that wasn't you at the time. You just had your mind in the wrong place, and I can see that changed. After all, your speech changed around me quite quickly."

Spamton looked down at the concrete as the rain puddled underneath them as he nodded softly.

He had always spoke strangely, but felt comfortable enough to never really do it around Pink.

He felt himself blush as Pink rubbed his shoulder.

"After all, isn't it okay that we make mistakes? Nobody is perfect."

Spamton shrugged, still blushing slightly as he smiled.

"H-Haha, I guess..."

They seemed to stop infront of a building as Spamton was confused.

Pink closed his umbrella.

Pink then opened the door smiling as Spamton entered. Nice and heated.

"What is this place...?" Spamton said in awe, looking around at the fancy and delightful out-look of the place.

"This is where my apartment is. I have enough for a house, but I prefer this place. Easier to pay rent then taxes, bills, and so much more..."

"W-Why are we here?" Spamton said genuinely confused as Pink simply chuckled.

"Why, you're staying with me!" Spamton blushed immensely, not used to all this attention and care again.

"B-Bu-Huh!?" Pink dragged him happily to an elevator as they got in.

Pink pressed the level 2 button as Spamton was just overall confused. This entire situation was confusing.

Pink saw his obvious distress as he spoke.

"I forgave you, a long time ago, Spamton."

Spamton's eyes widened upon hearing that. "You... Did..." "Yes, Spamton. You have no idea how much I really do care for you..."

Spamton blushed at the sentence, not sure what to say as he bit his lip to shut himself up.

The doors opened as Pink lead Spamton to his room.

"And besides, Spamton... I missed you."

Spamton seemed to be conflicted of being flustered and immense guilt as Pink opened his door to his apartment, all nice and fancy inside with a scent of flowers.

Spamton breathed it in and sighed, calming a lot more down as Pink just looked at him with a warm, welcoming smile.

Pink put his umbrella on the wall as Spamton walked in.

Pink simply closed the door and locked it so nobody can be nosey in their business.

Spamton looked around, seeing the lovely decorations and wallpaper. Overall very nice.

Pink just chuckled as he spoke.

"Welcome to my apartment I call home, Spamton."

"I Never Forgot You." Spamton x Pink Addison. (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now