A Lovely Dream.

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warning: h o r n y

"P-Pink?" Spamton spoke with his arms up on the wall, pinned tightly by Pink's hands as Pink leaned into his face closely, feeling their heated breaths mix together.

"Spamton, I'll make you love me... I'll make you mine, and you'll stay with me... You'll be happy with me and will never run away from me again."

Pink spoke deeply with a scowl, making Spamton whimper as Pink kissed him deeply and passionately; replacing one hand to pin him against the wall as he stroked Spamton's soft hair with the other roughly.

Spamton trembled under the touch of Pink, his arms becoming relaxed as Pink held them with the hand he had put onto them; kissing him more as he started to unbutton Spamton's jacket.

"You'll never be left out in the cold again, my dear..." Pink spoke as he saw Spamton blushing, panting from the kiss for air as-


"AH-" Pink jumped, slamming the alarm clock off the stand. It didn't break but it sure did shut up.

Pink groaned from the annoyance of being caught off guard, awaken, and ruining his own good dream. He turned to see Spamton surprised. "Y-You okay, Pink?"

Pink blushed as he bit his lip, looking at the time on the clock to see it was basically 'morning' for them as he sighed. "Y...Yes, sorry. The alarm clock took me by surprise."

Spamton smiled and hugged him in the bed, as Pink kept his blush; hugging him back.

"Okay! And thank you for letting me sleep with you. I must admit you're quite the cuddler!" Pink blushed more as he scoffed. "W-Well you are too!" "Hehe, yup! Perfect for each other!" Spamton said with glee as Pink felt his heart jump.

There's no way Spamton was playing from how he said that.

Spamton got up as he stretched, smiling. "Well I'll make breakfast since you made dinner! Is that alright?" Pink just simply nodded, despite him probably having no idea how to make it; but meh. He has insurance.

"Well thank you, Pink! I'll try to be quick! Until then, you can fix your alarm clock! Heh!"

Pink just chuckled, stretching his arms and reaching down, sitting on the edge of the bed as he picked up the alarm clock.

Spamton exited the room with a smile as Pink put back the alarm clock in its place, biting his lip and grabbing at his hair.

He seriously needs to stop thinking about Spamton like this...

...Unless, perhaps he feels the same...?

"I Never Forgot You." Spamton x Pink Addison. (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now