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"Remember, Pink? Remember what he did? Why do you even still like that guy!" Pink blushed in embarrassment, gulping as he turned away. "I.. I don't know, I just do. I know what he did, but he always gave YOU guy's chances. Why can't he get one for once?" The other's were speechless as Pink shook his head.

"You... You all didn't even think of that, didn't you? You just assumed I'd come with you? You knew he was my best friend, and now he's gone... Gone! Thanks to you, I might never see him again... Until I find him, we're no longer talking."


Not long after, Spamton came back as he saw Pink sitting on the side of the bed; hands on face as he came over to him. "Pink?" Pink said nothing as he uncovered his face.

"Spamton... We need to talk."

Spamton shrugged. "Sure! What is it, buddy?" Spamton sat next to him as Pink gulped, looking away as he blushed.



"The other's... They knew how I felt towards you and didn't want to give you another chance. They were the actual reason why they ran you out and I stood up to them. I know this might be hard to accept, but they were the reason you went 'out of style'. But that's why I didn't stay was because of how I felt and how they treated you so poorly."

Spamton's face shadowed as he then seemed to blush, making Pink confused. "Addison..." Pink was surprised that Spamton said his real name as he looked at him with his eyes filled with tears.

"I-Is that true? They really did that to me?" Pink sighed and nodded, holding Spamton gently. "Yes, but I never left if you could see. I chose to leave them and for how I felt towards you."

Spamton sniffed blushing as he looked into Pink's eyes once more. "F-Felt towards me? How did you feel towards me, w-what do you mean?"

Pink leant in closely holding Spamton. "This..." He whispered to Spamton, kissing him gently onto the lips as Spamton stayed still in shock.

It lasted a few seconds as he let go, looking at Spamton. "Are you okay, Spamton?"



"HOLY [[9.99$ SALE]] YOU JUST [[#$$%&]] [[Kissing Booth]] [[YOURS TRULY COMING TONIGHT AT]]!!" Spamton said with a major blush, his voice absolutely scattered as Pink found it adorable.

"Aww, Are you excited?" "[[SALE SALE SALE SALE]], [[Feel Good Products!]] [[CORRECT ANSWER!!]]"

Pink giggled, kissing Spamton again gently. "I understand this is a lot for you Spamton, but tell me, do you feel the same how I feel towards you?" "...[[Rings for sale!]]" "Y-You want to marry me suddenly!?" Pink laughed as Spamton laughed himself, his voice still glitching out. "I-I [[Live, Love, Laugh]] you [[2$ OFF!]]!"

Pink froze. "Y-You're saying you love me too?" "[[Correct Answer!]]"

Pink smiled widely, hugging Spamton as Spamton's voice was starting to calm down. "P-Pink..." Pink hummed in response, looking at Spamton. "C-Can- [[Hershey's Kiss!]] Again?"

Not even hesitating, Pink leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Spamton didn't waste any time to kiss back this time as well.

They stayed there for a moment as they let go, making Spamton a blushing mess. "[[Rings for sale]] [[Family Owned Business!!]] [[Kid Friendly!!]]" "Jeez, Spamton! We're not doing all that in one, haha!" "S-Sorry, it's n-not m-me, j-just my s-stupid [[Voice Recorder On Ebay]]."

Pink gently pet his hair as he nodded. "I can understand you, Spamton. Just relax and breathe." Spamton nodded, breathing in and out. After a while of this and comfort, Spamton spoke with a blush. "I-I feel the same way Pink, and I h-hope we can be in a relationship!"

"Of course we can, Spamton."

They hugged once more as they smiled together, happily.


THE END haha no, there might be an ending in the next chapter though cause tbh I love this ship but I wanted it short like this lol. most my books are like 20 chapters and just no :')

"I Never Forgot You." Spamton x Pink Addison. (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now