Clothing Incident.

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Spamton gently smiled at Pink as he said those words. Pink then pointed to a door.

"The hotel provides clothing despite you already having some usually, but it's obvious you don't and need a good cleaning. The shower is in there."

Spamton blushed, nervous as he spoke. "U-Uh, okay! Thank you for being so welcoming, P-Pink..."

Pink just smiled charmingly. "Anything for my dearest friend."

Spamton quickly hurried to the bathroom, wasting no time removing his clothes as he sighed in relief. Stench and wetness finally off of him.

He sighed in relief as he turned on the hit water, turning the cold water setting just enough to make it a good enough temperature.

He stepped in as he actually purred feeling the delightful warm water.

It's been a while since he's been clean after all, but hey, he kept himself not that smelly since he found garbage cans that had no rotten food in it.

He sighed in relief once more, mixed with the bliss of it all. It was relieving to get his hair all nice and clean.

He hoped Pink didn't mind using basically half his shampoo and conditioner, not wanting his hair dirty at all.

Speaking of which, he wondered what he was doing.

~..Pink Pov..~

I gulped as I heard his small noises coming out the bathroom. It made me blush as I couldn't believe after all this time that I still crushed so hard for him.

His personality, his height, his overall cute manner's...

It just pained me so much when I lost that on that terrible day.

Ever since then honestly I refused to really associate with the other Addison's from what they had done.

Yes, Spamton made a mistake... Yes, he wasn't there for us constantly; but they just didn't understand that it wasn't him.

It was his stressed side.

All his pent up stress had over-took him and had basically been controlling him instead... Along with that "lightner".

I wasn't sure whom that was, but Spamton constantly talked about him; and I'm thinking that lightner had something to do with his down fall.

So I knew it wasn't Spamton for certain.

Not wanting to be creepy listening to Spamton shower across the door, I quickly hopped onto the couch and turned on the TV with the remote.

Despite not caring for the show that was on, I knew Spamton could possibly be hungry, so I'll simply make him food.

Ah, Spamton...

It's so lovely to have you back with me.


3rd Person.


Spamton was finally done, blow drying his hair as it went poofy once more. So nice and clean!

He hummed as he grabbed a towel, drying his hair and blow drying it.

He grabbed a comb from the drawer, brushing his hair just a tad so it wasn't messy.

He smiled seeing hair spray and put just a touch of it onto his hair.

Brand new, perfect, and shiny!

He kept smiling as he froze.


Where's the clothes again?

He checked the closet in the bathroom, only seeing towels and extra soaps.

He checked underneath the sinks, only seeing extra toilet paper.

He blushed, gulping.

He had to go out there to ask for some clothes...

Sighing in embarrassment, he hung his towel dangerously low; but not on purpose. He was too worried with the thought of clothing needed.

Exiting the door, Spamton sighed as that caught Pink's attention. Pink turned around seeming to be making some sort of dinner.

"Yes, Spaaaaaammmm....t-t-toonnn...??" Pink said as his smile widened, blushing insanely as the perfect figure of Spamton stood there.

Water droplets falling down his his waist, his hair perfectly fluffy, and his chest... Damn, his CHEST.

Pink seemed stunned as he looked down, seeing how he could almost see-

"P-Pink, I uh... D-Didn't have any clothing in the bathroom. Do you have any in y-your room, perhaps?"

Pink couldn't stop staring at his waist as he meekly spoke.

"Y-y-yes, S-Spamton!" Spamton seemed to be relieved as he smiled, less nervous now. "Thank you!" "N-N-No problem!!"

Spamton left to his room as Pink immediately grabbed the sink, turning it in as he splashed his face.

His face was entirely f*cking red, like he was no longer Pink.

After calming himself down, he couldn't help but to tremble at the image of Spamton.

"G-Goodness..." Pink mumbled to himself, getting back to what he was doing without trying to peek inside his room.


Spamton hummed, his towel off of him as he searched for some clothing he'd like.

He spotted a comfortable looking pajama shirt, along with pants. Soft and comfy looking!

Spamton put them on as he felt so much better. He put the towel in a laundry basket as he wore them.

He didn't want to be weird by putting someone else's underwear on, because just no, so he wore only those two.

He smiled, ready to hang out with Pink now after that silly clothing incident!

"I Never Forgot You." Spamton x Pink Addison. (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now