Catch Up.

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Spamton came over as he finished the dishes, sitting next to Pink as the TV rambled on about some stupid stuff Pink clearly wasn't interested in; but saw Spamton invested into it.

Pink wasn't a big one for horror though but he thinks Spamton knew what it was from it being... Well, quite obvious.

They watched it as the girl in the movie turned, seeing the late night of the peaceful lake flowing and the stars shining off of it. It shined it's way to the girl as she looked closer, confused as she bent down; taking a look into the shining water.

It was so entrancing that the girl started to fall into the water, snapping out of it as she got wet and tried to swim up; but that was until she was being tugged like she was stuck.

The girl looked down and...


Spamton cried out, grabbing Pink and hugging his chest tightly. Spamton whimpered as Pink was shocked not from the jumpscare, but what Spamton was doing. Like he didn't blush enough today.

Pink blushed majorly as he hugged Spamton as well, making Spamton blush in response. Despite the movie continuing on, they kept holding each other.

Neither said a word until the scene was over and it was back to normal, as Spamton let go; covering his face with a blush.

"I'm s-sorry! I didn't expect this to be a [[Horror Film 9.99$, 50% Discount!]]..." Pink just chuckled, getting the remote and turning it off. "Hey, it's really no worries. Besides, I wanted to talk with you then listen to some crappy horror movie."

Spamton brushed his hair back with his hand as he smiled with a blush, calming a little down. "O-Of?"

Pink simply relaxed on the couch, wrapping an arm around Spamton as he blushed still.

"I'm curious what happened to you while you were gone. Where did you go, why did you go? And where did you go on that day?"

Spamton gulped, feeling less nervous but more guilty as he remembered his memories of that day. He sighed as he spoke.

"L-Let me tell you what happened... For me, with nothing sugar coated."

Pink nodded as he spoke once more.


I was in the corner as I watched Pink looking for me. I really wanted to run over just to hug him, probably beg him not to leave me as well; and another part of me wants to hide from him. I'm ashamed how I feel and how I treated them... I don't want Pink to view me like they do.

I sweat nervously, seeing Pink finally give up. I just wanted to give my best friend a hug and forget it all, but I just knew... I just knew.

He started to walk away as it was now my chance.

Taking only the clothing on me, I ran away. I ran out of the castle. I didn't care about the Queen anymore, after all; she planned to evict me. I heard her talking about it. I remember something though, something too important to leave behind.

I quickly ran back to my room, making sure nobody was there as I looked at my office. I was surprised that Pink had hung up the call...

Shrugging, I quickly went through my desk drawers, pulling out two things. A disc, and a key.

Sighing in relief, I quickly retreated back outside where I avoided the guard's and the staff that worked for her as well.

Before fully leaving, I spotted the crew of Addison's I used to be part of. They seemed to be leaving as Pink walked alone; away from them.

I was curious, so I only followed Pink for a little bit to see what he was doing. I was surprised to see him make a phone call; only to hear my phone vibrate. I gasped, running away as Pink turned almost in time to spot me.

I hid as I didn't answer the phone, too afraid of what Pink would of said to me.

All I can remember now is that sad, sad look that haunted me ever since I left...


"A-And... That's... What happened." Spamton spoke as Pink looked shocked. "I knew that you were there! But... I just, I thought..." Pink stopped him, gently putting a hand onto his shoulder.

"Spamton... I'd never judge you. I was actually thankful you checked on me... It shows that you really did care, but were just too scared to face me. And that's okay."

Pink leaned in gently as Spamton looked at him with his adorable eyes.

"And besides, how could I hate someone so... Charming..." Pink spoke softly, his voice going a little deeper as he looked at Spamton up and down slowly, making Spamton blush in confusion and embarrassment as Pink almost forgot what he was doing.

Pink let go but didn't know Spamton was leant back, making him plop onto the couch. "Ow!" Spamton said gently with a smile, chuckling as Pink turned. "Huh-"

Pink looked at Spamton who was smiling and chuckling, with his pajama shirt slightly upward and his cheeks that looked pink.

"Ah, I'm sorry I dropped you!" "It's really okay, Pink-y!" Pink bit his lip. This position Spamton was in and a nickname? Was he really asking for it at this point?

Despite his mind wanting to just kiss the f*ck out of him, he just smirked to himself as he saw Spamton. "Alright you silly goose, we need to sleep. It's pretty late and if we stay up any later, it'll be morning already!"

"D'awwww, fine. But erm..."


"Where can I sleep?"

"I Never Forgot You." Spamton x Pink Addison. (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now