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spice going to happen in this *blush emoji*


Spamton hummed, trying his best to remember. Sure, he can remember certain things; but it's been hard since he hasn't done this in what, a year? He wasn't even sure and still isn't. He wanted something nice besides some cereal though to make Pink and himself.

He grabbed some eggs and smiled. This should be easy to make! He grabbed some veggies as well, just some simple carrots and cucumbers. They seemed easily to make as he cut up the veggies and placed them to boil, making sure they get soft.

Grabbing the eggs, he cracked two of them to make a nice and wide. He added one more just so it was thicker. He grabbed some salt and added them onto the eggs just barely, with a mix of some herbs to add.

He smiled as he just now had to watch over them.

He was surprised when Pink had came out the door, coming towards him. "Oh, hey Pink!" Spamton smiled as Pink simply smiled back. That was when he sniffed the air and grinned.

"Wow, Spamton! What's that?" Pink said as he came over to him. Spamton turned to the food and grinned. "Well, it's going to be scrambled eggs and some veggies! Simple things until I learn to cook a little more!"

Pink hummed, grabbing Spamton's waist gently as Spamton blushed; leaning over his shoulder to look at the food.

Spamton was in shock as he felt Pink rub his waist.

"It's amazing, Spamton! Though if you want it scrambled, you have to do this..." Pink said, reaching for a fork through the drawer, still behind Spamton as he leaned more into him.

He felt Pink press against him as he blushed more, seeing Pink stir around the eggs as Spamton gently whimpered from the feeling.

Pink realized that noise as he gulped, remembering his dream. Pink, unconsciously and remembering it, made him gently push his groin against Spamton's a*s.

Spamton whimpered once more with a major blush, and Pink blushed even worse. He immediately backed away as he coughed into his arm.

"S-So sorry, I just wanted to help!" Spamton turned his head only with a desperate look, making Pink bite his lip. "I-It's okay! Just ask n-next time, heh!"

Pink immediately went back to his room as he fell onto the bed, dying from the blush he had as he felt insane over the touch. He TOUCHED him like that, and didn't mean to, but oh-my-goodness, it felt amazing.

The small noises out of Spamton too... "JFUHDFhhfFEG" Pink muffled into his pillow as he breathed in and out.

Gosh, he's acting like such a school girl. But he couldn't help it.

If he didn't tell Spamton how he felt soon, he's afraid he'll do something stupid and f*ck up their friendship... Relationship thing. He didn't know at this point as he groaned into his pillow longley, embarrassed but slightly aroused.


Spamton still was in the kitchen as he felt himself blush still. He didn't know if Pink did that on purpose or not, but he had to admit he liked it. He never really got affection and overall felt comfortable around Pink.

He sighed in bliss, as he watched their food finish up quite quickly.

He smiled as he got out dishes and forks, putting all of it on his and Pink's plate. He lifted the plates as he was happy.

He went to the bedroom where he heard small noises but didn't mind it.

"Breakfast is done!"

The noises seemed to continue as he shrugged, opening the door to find Pink in the pillow and mumbling to himself; but having it muffled as he gripped the bed.

"Pink, here you go! Sorry if I scared you off, haha!" Spamton said as Pink shot up his head, a blush on his face as he smiled back.

"Y-Yes, Spamton! Sorry, just thinking to myself..." "Aw, it's really no issue, Pink!" Spamton set the plates onto Pink's bed gently, sitting on it facing away from Pink.

"Now we can eat in bed! I never done that before!" Spamton said as Pink stayed quiet, grabbing his plate as he tried his best not to turn around to look at Spamton.

They ate in peace, well, mainly for Spamton in peace as Pink tried his best to hold it all in. Spamton actually took his time to eat, enjoying how it tasted as he hummed at how delicious it tasted.

This didn't help Pink at all.

Pink finished his breakfast quite early since his adrenaline was through the roof as he tried to calm down, but saw Spamton finish as he licked his lips.

Pink started to breathe heavily, staring at Spamton as he put the plate onto the nightstand and Pink put his on the floor. Spamton turned fully around to look at Pink.

"Are you okay, Pink?"

Pink scowled, unable to control it anymore as he turned and grabbed Spamton. Spamton yipped in surprise as Pink flipped him onto his back with an 'oof!'. Pink was above him as he was drooling a bit, biting his lip as he looked at Spamton.

"P-Pink?" Spamton spoke as Pink just breathed, leaning in as he looked at Spamton. He looked him into the eyes and didn't stop as Spamton gulped; a blush on his face as he felt his eyes droop looking at Pink.

Pink, despite being desperate, managed to control himself as he hugged Spamton. Spamton sighed in relief, hugging Pink back. Pink let go as he spoke. "T-T-Thank you for breakfast... I need to... Do something..."

Spamton nodded, hugging him once more. "Okay! I hope you're alright, and I'll wash our dishes again!"

Spamton grabbed the dishes as he went off to the kitchen.

Once he came back, he had to tell Spamton how he felt. He needed to.


"I Never Forgot You." Spamton x Pink Addison. (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now