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At the peak of midnight I stared at the demon girl, the fire in her eye a still glowered with enough energy to open the portal. “Now is the time, open it.” I handed her the so called ‘magic’ words.

Infernus per tempus se ab exterioribus tutabatur quamvis

 contactus servandus esset hinc portae

 ope inferorum aperiri posse, deus noster

 tenebrosus porta nobis aperi!

As soon as the last word of the enchantment flew out of her mouth a bright light appeared in the hall next to my bathroom door. I grabbed my belongings and jumped through leaving the stunned demon girl behind smiling at her foolishness, she really thought  I would release her after she did my bidding however I would rather not risk my father finding out.

Eleanor ‘s POV

Standing around the semi circle with the other girls who would be casting their first spells as well; I kept blinking the tears away that threatened to pour out my eyes , I could not believe my boyfriend of 2 years was sleeping with my best friend, how could they? Just as I was about to cast the spell granny had drilled into my head the past month of making a crown of flowers appear in my hand so I can give it to the Lady Of The Coven as a peace offering however as soon as my eyes landed on Josh a curse broke out.

Proditionis dolorem sensi

Et imponam Ille oculos meos super

Et hoc unum tanget maledictum.

The ground shock beneath me as I felt a diviner power surge through me and the tears escaping my eyes flew up in the brewing stop instead down my cheeks. I unleashed the anger and watched as the storm flew with the command of my hands , looking up at my coven family blackness evaded my senses.

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