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A/N Hey ya'll! This is my first story on here so I'm sorry if it sucks. Enjoy!


"Harmany, come down here please!!!" My mom yelled.

Ugh. What now?

I took off my headphones and walked down the old wooden stairs of my two bedroom apartment.

"Yes, Mother?" I ask.

"Harmany Elizabeth, how many times have I told you not to call me Mother? It's disrespectful, and it makes me feel old." She looked up at me and she looked absolutely horrible.

Her usually bright red hair looked a dull brown, her bright blue ocean eyes looked dull like creek water that someone had just run around in, and she had bags under her tired looking eyes.

I was about to say something about her calling me Harmany Elizabeth, but she looked so beat up, I didn't bother.

"Sorry, Mommy." I laughed. The sides of her lips slightly turned upwards, but her smile disappeared when she started talking.

"Er, well honey, my friend from high-school died today. Her parents have nobody to take care of them over this summer and I great fully volunteered. They were like second parents to me, and it's the least I can do."

"Oh, I'm sorry mom! How'd she die?" I asked, not really caring, but asking none the less.

"Well, you see her parent's house was being robbed, and she wanted to surprise them by cleaning their house for them because it was a complete mess. She walked in on them robbing the place and they..." she paused, sniffling, "shot her."

I saw the tears threatening to spill out if my mother's eyes and I could see this meant a lot to her, so I didn't press any further.

"That's fine with me, but where would I stay all summer?" I questioned.

I couldn't wait 'till summer break. We only had one more day, and then we were free from that hell-hole they called school, that we were supposedly learning in. But that was news to us.

"Well, do you remember Ryan and his mom Amelia?"

My ears perked up when she said Ryan. We had know each other sense we were both two, and we haven't seen each other for about 6 years. How could I forget perfect?? He was also my first crush... and I missed him like crazy.

"Yeah, I remember them. Why?"

I said it quite casually, like it was no big deal, but on the inside, I was like, fangirling.

"Well, that's who you are staying with all summer."


A/N Hope you liked it! I know it was short and It will get longer and better. This is my first story on here so I am sorry if it sucks ducks. Lol, VOTE if you liked it and be sure to comment. any ideas would be very helpful of what I could do to improve my writing. Thank you for reading!!

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