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Haha, Lexi declared an Updating war.. So here I am! 3 times in one day? Yeah I'm on a roll baby! Enjoyy!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Read her story! It's called 'A Fan-Girl love;Niall Horan'

She just started it, and she's like, my... bfflaaaf I think she called it! Read her story to find out what it means? haha, I'm sneaky. ik ;D


Harmany's POV

I walked up the stairs, following Ryan to his room, still in shock. Ryan was seated on his bed when I walked in.

"Why did you just act like that was no big deal?!" I practically yelled after I closed the door. Ryan,s room. His room was soundproofed because of the racket he makes called the drums, even though he may be excellent at it.

"Keep it down!" Ryan whispered, walking over and closing his heater vent. I completely forgot about that. Ryan has one of those old-timey houses, so his vent is huge, and you can see straight down into the living room if you look into it, so you can hear everything too.

"Sorry? Now answer my freaking question!"

"Okay, calm your tits girl. I acted so cool about it because we can't have my mom thinking it's a big deal. She will pester us about it forever, because she wants us to be more than friends, she's just phsyco." Ryan added on.

"Oh? And how do you know that?" I inquired.

"Well, I kinda got the idea when we were two, and she convinced us to say that we were married to each other..." he trailed off.

"Ohhhhh Yeahhh!!" I said as realisation hit.

"Okay then. Now, on another topic, didn't you say that you had to practice that thing almost every day?" he asked, gesturing towards my guitar case.

"Yeah." I said, not realizing what he was hinting at. Damn, I'm slow today!

"Well, we're stuck in this room together for..." he looked at his clock, "About three hours, and I think you playing it is the best bet we have of you keeping your hands off of me." he smirked.

"Oh really? Because the last time I checked, you were gonna let me kiss you earlier, so unless you wanna talk about that, then I suggest you shut it, Blondie." I said, and this time, it was my turn to smirk when he slightly blushed.

Damn That's hot. I thought.

"I'm Not blond-" he protested but I cut him off.

"I said shut it!"

"Alright, alright. I'm shutting it. But will you play the guitar for me? Pleeaassseee??" he begged.

"Fine. But I'm not singing." I stated, walking over to my guitar case. Next thing I knew, Ryan had picked me up and I was now hanging over his shoulder, with a perfect view of his ass, one thing I did not want to see right now. He flung me onto his huge bed and then, he sat on me. he actually SAT on me.

"Ryan, you're so fat! get the hell offa me!" I said out of breath.

"Only if you say you'll sing!" he said.

"Fine! I'll sing! I said loudly.

"Promise? And it has to be the whole time until dinner!" he said and sat up, like he was proud of what he had just thunked of.

"Promise! Anything to get your fat ass off me!" I said and he smirked at me. He got off, but then he straddled me and got down real close to my face. My eyes were betraying me, and they were flickering between his beautiful eyes, down to his lips. I mean, I didn't necessarily want to kiss him, it was just happening.

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