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*Ryan's POV*

I couldn't believe that she was in my arms. Perfectly. Breathing evenly, looking more adorable than she normally does.. If that's possible.

I had been awake for about an hour, just watching her perfect sleeping face.

Creepy, right?

I just couldn't take my eyes off of her.

I was so caught up in watching her, and holding her, I didnt know she was awake.

*Two hours earlier*

*Harmany's POV*

The sun was shining through the drawn curtains right over Ryan's shoulder into my face, slowly waking me up. I buried myself deeper into Ryan's shirtless chest and slowly started drifting back to sleep.


My eyes shot open to Ryan's chest.

Holy fuckerdoodle. It wasn't a dream.

I sat up a little bit, making sure I wasn't disturbing Ryan, and I looked at the scene in front of me.

I swear I peed a little bit.

Me and Ryan's legs were intertwined and his arm was around my waist (perfectly, may I add) and my face was just recently buried in his really, really warm chest.

And he was shirtless.

Fangirl mode- on.. Like, hyperdrive.

I layed back down and buried my face back into his chest.. I like it here. I like it alot.

I slowly started drifting back to sleep when I realized I should check the time. If Amelia saw us like this she would pee herself. Slowly and carefully making sure I wasn't waking Ryan, I reached for my phone on the badside table.


Uh oh


Uh oh

Amelia was supposed to be back soon.. I think..

I went to get up, because for one I haden't gone this long without eating my entire life, and with all the sleep I got last night I had enough energy to do anything. And you probably think I'm exaggerating. No. You should see me when I'm caffinated. I will burn your house down.

As soon as my first foot hit the floor an arm wrapped around my wrist and I almost passed out.

"And where do think you're going?"

Holy morning voice.

"Uhh, downstairs?"

"Is that a question?"

"I think so, considering I'm not sure anymore." I nervously answered

"Well, here's the answer, come back to bed, babe." he said, his eyes still very closed

And let me tell you, when a very attractive boy calls you babe in his sexy morning voice telling you not to go downstairs, you stay where you are.

He removed his arm from my wrist only to rewrap it around my waist, pulling me back into my previous position next to his shirtless self.

Not that I was complaining.

"What if your mom comes in and sees us like this..?" I asked quietly

"I hope she does. She made us sleep in the same bed." he said with a hint of anger in his voice.

Hurt, I managed a squeaky "oh"

His eyes shot open, obviously hearing the hurt in my voice. "But I'm glad she did. I could get used to you being by my side every night."

With a fucking zoo in my stomach, I watched his eyes close slowly and his breathing even.

And thinking about life if I really was by his side every night, I slowly drifted off again.

*2 hours later*

I knew he was watching me. I had been awake for a while now, due to my inability to sleep, and as soon as his breathing quickened I closed my eyes and I knew he had opened his.

I so badly wanted to just open my eyes and scare the living shit out of him but .. Wait.. There's no reason why I'm not.

So, I opened my eyes, and screamed.


And, off the bed he went.

"Holy hell Harmany what the fuck why the hell did you do that?! And OW!" He yelled while I was laughing my ass off, I couldn't help it!

I moved over to the edge of the bed so I could look at him on the ground, holding his head.

"So, how was watching me sleep?" I said, mockingly.

"Awesome actually, considering that's the only time you're ever saine! And don't think you're gonna get away with this. You will pay"

Fuck. Not this again.

Before I knew what was happening his hands were on my sides tickling the fuck outta me.

"RYAN FUCKING CAIN GET THE HELL OFFA ME" I screamed while laughing as hard as I could.

Could this get worse??

"And if I don't?" Ryan replied with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Then I'll do this." I said with the same look, reaching up to the level of his face and licking him all the way up his cheek.

Ryan smiled cheekily, "You can do that again if you'd like." he said with a wink.

"What's going on up there??" I heard Amelia yell.

All of a sudden I smelled something.

"Food!!" I screamed, pushing Ryan from me.


I'm so friggin sorry. I kinda disappeared.. But yeah.. I love you.. And I will be updating moree. I have a lot in store for the two of them ^.^

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