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"Hello there beautiful. My name's Sam, but you can call me tonight." he winked. He stuck his hand out and I shook it. It was rough and I didn't like the feeling at all, but I put on a sweet smile anyway.

"Hello, I'm Harmany, and you may not call me beautiful." I winked. He smirked a smirk that probably made most girls melt, but not me.

"I also heard you're a player," I brought myself up on my tippy toes and brought my lips close to his ear "But guess what? I'm the coach."

I brought myself down to the floor and winked at his shocked expression, then turned around, flinging my head back in laughter and walked away.

I had been the person to answer the door all day just because I wanted to see who I had to deal with all night. So far, all of them but Noah, Alex, and Mikah, flirted with me, and they just came up to me and hugged me saying, 'We are going to be friends' and when I told them they didn't know me they said that's why we were going to be friends.

That creeped me out a little bit, but they are kinda awesome people, so whatever.

I was walking up the stairs to Ryan's crowded room when I hit something hard and stumbled backward a few steps before a hand sneaked around my waist and saved me from my oh-so-skillful ways. I looked up and Ryan was looking down at me, the same twinkle in his eyes that is almost always there when I see him, smiling at me.

"Hello there klutz, how was your day?" he joked.

I smacked him in the arm and he removed it from around my waist. "It was fine. Then there was about a million boys in the same house as me. Oh, and I'm the only girl!" I said, faking enthusiasm.

He laughed and next thing I knew, I was over his shoulder getting carried up the stairs.

"Ryan! Put me down you-"

"Hey, hey, hey. Watch your mouth." he smirked.

"I can't considering I have an ass in my face!" I yelled. "Why are you even carrying me?! I was already going up the stairs!" I started pounding on his back.

"Well, maybe if you would shuttup and listen, you would know." He laughed when I instantly stopped everything and listened.

I heard the chattering, "Truth or dare?" "I don't think Harmany would play." "Who cares if she playes?"

"I do." Ryan cut into their conversation. I would have felt loved, but this was something I didn't want to do.

"I don't play truth or dare. Ever. Especially not with a bunch of boys!" I yelled, still upside down.

"Aaand that's why you got carried!" Ryan stated, shutting the door and placing about 5 boys around it.

I am going to die.

"Oh my god." I whispered.

Ryan set me down on his bed. "You idiots do understand that I don't have to play even if I'm sitting here, right?" I pointed out.

Collin sat next to me. "You do realized there is no food in here, right Harmany?" he mocked. My eyes widened in realization.

"Oh shit. I have to play, don't I?" I looked up at all the hopeful faces of the -extremely attractive- boys, and smiled, forming a plan in my head.

"Fine. I'll play. But you have to do almost anything I say. Like feed me when I tell you to. Okay? Okay." I stated, getting comfortable in between Collin and Ryan who had just sat down.

We all had to get in a circle, and if you didn't do the dare, you had to sit outside the circle, and feel rejected.

It felt like all the boys were staring at me when Ryan announced that he would go first.

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