Ghost of the present

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If you want to listen to guilty from cavetown here.

( Y/N)'s POV
I open my eyes slowly. I feel light. I stand up and see the son. Then I fall. Where am I falling? I see a branch. Am I falling from a tree? I cover my head waiting for the impact that never arrived. "Huh?" I look down to see myself floating. I stand and touch the ground. I walk around the forest. I smile when I see the way out. I crash against nothing. The wind blows me all the way to a cave. I see myself laying there. "Am I a ghost?"

Mist had covered the forest and candles had appeared around me. "Yuichiro?! Where are you?!" I start walking to where the voice came from. I see a big school and a boy with black hair and teal tips. I walk carefully to not be blown away again. I move my hand to the outside of the forest slowly. I see the candles still following me outside of the forest. "Hi." I see him flinch and turn around to look at me. "Sorry, did I scare you?" He looks down as I remember I was floating. I move to the floor.

"What are you?" He had a scared yet amazed look on his face. "That's a bit of a rude question, but I'm a ghost." "Ghosts don't exist." "Then I'm nothing." "Why are you talking to me?" "Heard someone calling a name." "My brother left without me." "Do you know your way home?" "Through the forest, but it's covered in mist." "Don't mind that, I know the forest like the palm of my hand, although the palm of my hand is slightly transparent." I look at my hand. I start floating.

"Don't mind the candles, they follow me around every time there's mist." "What happened to your body?" I chuckle. "Wouldn't you like to know. It's laying around in a cave." "So, how old are you?" "I'm not sure." "Then how old were you?" "Twelve." "Why were you here?" "I tried to make some friends." "That's dumb." "Shut up, you don't know what I'd been through." "Why don't you ask someone to get your body out and buried?" "People don't notice me unless it's misty, besides, there's a little guard taking care of my body." "Can we go?" "Sure." I change path and walk towards the cave.

I walk inside the cave and see the two dogs that've taken care of me. They start growling at the guy as he walks closer to my body. "Hey, back away! What are you a thanatologist?!" He squats down and move his hand to it. One of the dogs starts running towards him yet stops to smell him. "Much of a guard dog it is, huh?" He pets the dog and puts his thumb on my neck.

"You're alive." "What?" "Your hearts beating, and for your heart to beat your brain needs to work, which means you're alive." "What's with the knife anyway?" "Wanted to carve arrows to see where I was going." He hums and stands up. "By the way, that dog is gonna have puppies." He points to the other dog. "Wait, what?" "You hadn't noticed?" "Aren't you gonna go home?" I grumble. "Yeah, let's go."

We continue walking through the forest. "What's your name?" "Muichiro." I hum. "That's my favorite tree." I point at a tall tree. He chuckles. "Why is that?" "It has a nice view, do you wanna look?" "Sure." I pull him upwards by his arms. We sit in a branch and stare at the forest, that could barely be seen. "Let me take you to a doctor." "What?" "You're gonna die otherwise, I'm not sure how your body has stayed alive until now." "You don't know how long has it been."

"Two years." "What?" "(Y/N) (L/N), went missing two years ago, family moved away since they couldn't bare the pain." "What?" "Let me take your body to the doctor, just to keep it alive." "No, then my family will come back, and feel guilty." "So you'd rather die?" I feel my eyes widen. "Your body needs nutrients to produce blood, and you can't have dogs taking care of you." "Who else will?" "Let me take your body to the hospital. They'll take care of it for you." "No."

"Then let me take care of you, my mom's a nurse I can get the stuff you need." "It's a waste of money, besides even if I were able to go back to my body my family probably has my money." "You can worry about that later. Your body looks like a skeleton, you look dead. The dogs won't be able to take care of you forever, do you want them to feel bad if you die?" "Alright, but know you're annoying." I push him and watch him fall. I float towards him before he hits the floor and catch him. "Sorry." "Idiot."

"I can't get out of the forest unless it's misty, and you won't be able to see me nor hear me." "Alright, but get your god damn dogs to stop growling at me." "Alright. Here ends the forest. Get home safely." "Thank you."

The girl that got lost in the mist. (Muichiroxreader)Where stories live. Discover now