Ghost of life

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You guys already have the link but it's let her go

(Y/N)'s POV
I walk around the forest, until I hear the bell from the school ring. I start walking to the entrance of the forest, and watch as the students go back inside the school. Some buzzing starts sounding louder and louder, until I notice a bee. I start running away even though it can't sting me. I suddenly find myself inside the school. I wonder around trying to find my way back until I hear Muichiro's voice. I enter his class and watch as he looks at me shocked. I float to him and peek from his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I watch as he writes on the edge of the page. 'Math.' "Is it fun?" 'Basically the same as in first grade.' "I'd probably fail then." I laugh. 'Why?' "Well, I never got to first grade, remember?" 'I forgot.' I see a small smile form on his lips. I start braiding his hair until I see everyone looking at him weirdly. "Why are they looking at you like that?" 'It's not normal to see hair floating and braiding itself.' "Oh, sorry." 'Don't worry.' "Can you teach me math?" 'Later.'

"Can we play tic-tac-toe?" He draws the # and places and x on the middle to the left, I place my finger to the bottom corner to the right. He draws a circle and places and x to the middle and upwards. I place my finger on the upper corner to the left, and he draws it. He makes and x on the center. I put my finger on the middle to the right. He draws a circle and places and x on the middle and down. 'I win.' "You win." I hug him and place my chin on his shoulder.

The bell rings no he stands up. "Let's go, I'm on my break now." He whispers. I follow after. "Muichiro, can you teach me what they taught you the last two years?" "I don't remember all." "What you do remember! I don't wanna come back feeling stupid." "Alright." He walks towards another class, and peeks inside. He walks in with me following behind. He moves a desk to another. "Sit." "Alright, dad- hey!" I pout as I rub my head, where he had hit me. "Meanie." "Try to call me daddy again and I'll actually hit you." "I was just messing around."

"What do you wanna learn about first?" "I don't know." "I'll teach you history, it's world history, pretty easy."

"And then there was this guy that looked somewhat like Michael Jackson, but I never actually like really got to fight him." "Wow, that's so cool! And you had a sword and all?!" "Yes, I had this weird uniform, too." "Wah, you're so cool, Muichiro!" He giggles. "Oh, my break was over ten minutes ago!" He grabs my hand and drags me to his classroom. He lets go before going in, and apologizes for being late to his teacher.

I sit on the floor with my head resting in his leg. I see a paper hit his arm and fall through my head. He moves his hand to pat my head. I move to grab the paper. I look at some guys snickering. Muichiro turns to looks at me. "Don't." He whispers as I stand up. I throw the paper at one of the guys' head, and hit them both in their chests taking away the air from their lungs. I go back and sit down again. He sighs, and ruffles my hair trying to pretend as if his wrist was tired from writing. "I told you not to." He whispers. "But they were being mean to you." He smiles. "Thank you, but that's just how kids this age are, alright?" I nod.

"I don't like it, why can't they be like you? You're nice." I see his smile grow bigger. "Your so called friends abandoned you in a forest, some people aren't nice." I hold his hand between mines. "I wish I'd met you back then." I play with his fingers. "I wasn't the nicest person back then." "I don't believe that." The bell rings. We walk out. "Why weren't you nice?" "Because I was rude to others, really blunt, always looked annoyed." "So? You weren't rude to your brother."

"Once a guy asked me for help since he was getting beaten up by some other guys, and I left him there." I see his eyes starting to water. I hug him, and pat his back. "It's okay." "I should've helped him." "Muichiro." I flinch at the harsh tone. He looks up to Yuichiro. He quickly cleans the tears in his face. "What's wrong?" "Why are you crying? Did someone do anything to you?" I feel my eyes widen at the change of tone. "No, I'm okay." "Are you sure?" "Yes." He ruffles Muichiro's hair. "I'm always here for you. Go to class now." He smiles and walks away. "Your brother's actually nice." "Of course he is." I fix his hair. "Let's go now, last class."

I sit bored by his side I start floating around I float above the teacher. I look at Muichiro mischievously. His eyes widen as he shakes his head. I pout and watch as it was raining a bit. I grin and open the window by the teacher's desk. Muichiro looks at me angrily. "May I go to the restroom?" The teacher nods quickly trying to pick up her papers. I follow Muichiro. "I told you not to." "But it's fun." "You're so immature." "Well I hadn't interacted with anyone but animals and a tree until I met you." I frown.

He looks at me. "Don't do that again. You're at my school, you can braid my hair, hug me, but when I tell you not to do something you won't." I frown at the sternness in his voice. "Yeah. Let's go back now." We walk back. I sit on the floor again. The class soon ended and I walked out. I float trying to find my way out. "God damn it, stupid big schools." It starts getting dark. I suddenly feel my hand get pulled. "Are you avoiding me?" "No, I just got lost." He hugs me. "How did I upset you?" "What?" "How did I upset you?" "You didn't upset me." "Why are you avoiding me?" "I just got lost." "I could've shown you the way out." I look away.

"I don't like it when you make a serious voice." "Alright, but I need you to listen when I say something, okay?" I nod. "Fingers uncrossed." I move my hands up to show him. He hugs me tighter, and I hug him back. I float behind him until I come to a stop. "Muichiro." "What is it?" "Do you think I'll ever wake up?" "Of course." I move my hand only to look at his, close to mine. I intertwine my fingers with his. I smile sheepishly as I stop floating. We look into each other's eyes, we got closer to each other, and closer, our noses touching, our lips barely grazed upon each other when I felt a huge pang on my head. I feel my vision darken.

I wake up in a cave. "Where am I?" I see a boy looking at me. "Who're you?" "You're kidding, right?" "Who're you? Where's my family? What am I doing here?" I watch as tears leave his eyes. "Why are you crying?" He wipes away his tears. "Your family isn't here, would you like me to call them?" "I want to go home." Home is where the people you love are. "I can take you. Come on." He stands up. "Oh, wait. I'm not sure if you remember, but look." He walks me to a dog with puppies. "It finally had its puppies. Lets get you home." "My guardian dogs." "You remember them? But not me?" He smiles sadly. "I don't know who anyone here is." "Lets just get you home, I'll call your mom."

Muichiro's POV
"I want to hug him." "What?" "I want to kiss him, we never got to kiss." "Who're you talking about?" "What?" "Who didn't you get to kiss?" "I don't remember." I hum. She hugs me, tears stain my uniform. "Why doesn't it feel the same?" Tears slide down my cheeks. "Did I like her? It's been three months since I met her. I should've realized sooner." "Who?" "A frie-... an acquaintance."

The girl that got lost in the mist. (Muichiroxreader)Where stories live. Discover now