Cuddle competition!

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"Hmm I'm not sure, I'll have to have another one from each of you to check." Shouta said for the fifth time in a row and Hitoshi snorted.

"Sho," Hizashi laughed as he opened his arms, "you can't keep avoiding the question!"

Shouta mumbled something incoherent against his shoulder and then raised his head slightly to make eye contact with Hitoshi, "You're next."

There was absolutely no reason for him to state that considering how obvious it was, but Hitoshi appreciated the vaguely threatening remark anyway. They'd been stuck in this loop for almost ten minutes now. Shouta would hug each of them, take a sip of coffee as he pretended to mull it over, and then say he couldn't make a decision for some reason or another.

The first time he claimed it was to 'prevent anomalies', the second he mumbled something about the 'best of three', then it was 'just to confirm something'. Hitoshi was fairly sure they were never going to get an answer out of him, but he didn't mind. There was no doubt in his head that Hizashi should win.

Although, as Shouta let go of his husband and pulled Hitoshi into his arms for the fifth time, he realised that if he was the one asked to judge between his two guardians, he'd have a difficult time of it too.

Hizashi was warm and soft. His hugs felt like home. They were kind and gentle, the sort that soothed your very soul and you could just fall asleep in his embrace, cosy and calm. They could make you feel so much better so quickly it was kind of ridiculous. If Hitoshi didn't know better he'd think it was his quirk.

Shouta however, was warm and secure. His hugs felt like safety and reassurance. Like nothing could bring you harm because he was there, holding you tight. They expressed all the emotions that he struggled to verbalise and they kept you steady, even if the world was crashing and burning around you.

They both made him feel... loved.

So yeah, he couldn't choose even if he wanted to, and he'd never dream of picking a favourite anyway.

Shouta released him with a hum, picking up his coffee and downing the dregs before squinting at the two of them contemplatively. Hizashi glared back at him, "Sho, I swear, if you don't say Hitoshi right now—"

"I've made my decision." Shouta declared, cutting him off.

"And?" Hitoshi prompted, curious. He watched as the underground hero placed his mug back on the table and gave them a feral grin before tackling them. There was an 'oof' from behind Hitoshi as he was squished into Hizashi's chest.

"Both of you!" Shouta announced and Hizashi groaned.

"That's cheating!"

"Is not!"

"Is to!"

Hitoshi just wheezed a laugh, trapped between their bickering. They continued their back and forth until Hizashi was cut off mid disagreement by Grumpster jumping on top of Shouta and adding to the pile.

Hizashi gasped and started complaining, "This is so unfair! You have the cats on your side!—"

Shouta grinned and shifted so that Hitoshi could breathe easier, "I need another mug of coffee, you want hot chocolate?"

"—I'm outnumbered!—"

"Actually, yes please." Hitoshi decided, thinking back to how tempting the cold chocolate had been. "I didn't drink the earlier one," he admitted, "I could heat that back up."

"—Ganged up on!—"

"Oh no, I'll make you a fresh cup, it'll be nicer."

"Okay, if you don't mind, I'd like that." He smiled up at the hero.

"—There's just no respect for me anywhere to be found in this place. None!—"

"Cream and marshmallows?"


"—I mean, have you even considered my feelings? The heartbreak? The betrayal?!—"

"'Zashi, what are you actually talking about at this point?" Shouta laughed and Hitoshi craned his head to see the indignant expression on his guardian's face as he spluttered before turning sheepish and wilting.

"I don't know anymore." He admitted morosely, "But! You would if you'd been listening! Anyway, you promised I could make his hot chocolate again if he didn't drink the first!"

"That's true, I did." Shouta acquiesced and sat back up, huffing a laugh as Hizashi took an exaggerated breath in relief.

Hizashi pushed Hitoshi off of him and onto Sho, forcefully suggesting he "squish him for a bit!" as he headed off to make the drinks.

Hitoshi just chuckled, not minding at all.

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